Upon hearing her confession, Levi buried his face into her hair and pulled the blond closer to him.

"You have your ways and I'll help you," he said and remembered his own mother. She thrive for them to survive even in just a short time and she did well in her own way. He wanted to say that to Hazel, but he just can't bring his late mother into the conversation.

"And don't worry about Hange, I'll make sure she keeps her experiments away from you," he said and heard Hazel hummed in agreement before dozing off. It took Levi a couple of hours before he fell asleep and all his consciousness disappeared to his dreamland.


Levi is standing with his eyes close in a dark place, so dark that you can't see anything but him. He opens his eyes and saw the dark void surrounding him, but he can feel the solid floor under him so he tried looking for other objects in the dark surrounding.

"Levi..." A very familiar voice said and it keeps on calling so he followed. The voice seems so tired and weak, but due to familiarity, he hurried his way towards it until he found a door. He slowly walks towards it and grabbed the handle. The voice called him again and it is coming from the other side of this door.

He slowly turned the knob and pushed it open, seeing another room with a lamp over a bed. The bed and the lamp are the only objects seen inside the room, but there is another person inside, laying on the bed.

It called upon him again and he walk slowly towards it. He stared at the figure seeing it has short blond hair and tired green eyes. It was Hazel. She looks very tired and pale, but from what? He noticed she is holding something in her arms and Levi stared at it. It's a small bundle of cloth wrapping a small body. An infant child.

His eyes widened as Hazel handed the baby to him. He took it in his arms and stared at its peaceful face. It has very little hair and it's the same color as his. The baby slowly opened its eyes and revealed a pair of very beautiful gray orbs. The baby looks very much like him and very familiar.

"Levi..." Another voice called and Levi looked around, searching for it. He is still holding the baby and the baby started crying so Levi looked down. It was crying loudly, but Levi heard a voice calling his name. Levi looked back to the bed, but instead of seeing Hazel, there was another woman in it.

A woman with long, dark raven dark and tired gray eyes. She looks paler than Hazel and much more skinnier that her bones can be felt just by holding her body.

Levi's eyes widened in familiarity and déjà vu. The woman stared back at him with a smile and weakly reach out for him. Her hand is about to fall when Levi swiftly caught it while still holding the baby. The woman gently smile at him and tried squeezing his hand, but is too weak to do so.

She gave him one last smile before her eyes lids fall and never opened again. Her cold bony hand felt colder as the baby's cried slowly fade. Levi looked down and saw the baby as quiet as his surrounding. Not moving and not crying. Levi's eyes widened and he let go of the woman's hand and check the child's pulse. He felt nothing. It's dead.

When he realized that, the floor under him seem to disappear and he fell into an abyss, leaving the dead bodies behind. What he thought was an endless pit had an end. He fell on his back in a thud and he grunted.

It's the dark room again.

He stood up and started looking around again for anything to help him get out of this place. He turned around and there he saw a light directly pointing on a blonde figure. Feeling scared, he ran towards it and kneeled down next to it. He lifted the body and his worries are answered, seeing it's Hazel.

She's unconscious, but still breathing. That's a good thing. He clicked his tongue and cursed under his breath. It's a nightmare. This is just one big nightmare and he hates it.

"Levi..." Another voice said and Levi turned around seeing another person behind him, but this time, it's a man. It looks just like him, but it's not him and the uneven split of hair proves it. It was Levine.

Confused at why he is here, Levi looked down at Hazel and he saw her opening her eyes, but it is not the same emerald green. It's gray. After opening her eyes for a few seconds, it then closed and her breathing stopped.


"Levi..." He glared at Levine, but his eyes widened upon seeing him as a child at the age of 6 or less. His dirty clothes proves his placement in society and his long messy black hair only proves his incapability of taking care of himself, but something about him, reminds Levi of something.

"Everyone dies eventually," that's that only thing young Levine said before falling down into darkness.


I was like, Woah. This dream is weirder than I thought. Well, at least for me. How 'bout you guys? Is it weird or what? But yeah, Kuchel is a part of it because, well, she's Levi's mom and the mother-in-law of millions of fangirls (including me haha)

Anyway, please leave a comment or two and please vote! Thank you! Ja'ne!

~RSE out

Cadet Ackerman (SnK ff.) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now