1.The Lone Wolf

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1. The Lone Wolf

In an old abandoned building down below the ground, a group of thugs entered with no sign of hesitation, considering it is pitch black inside and no light can be seen. Their leader who is a muscular bald man stepped forward, with a metal tube on his right shoulder.

"Lone Wolf! Show yourself!" He called, but no one responded. Their purpose in going into the building is only one thing, to challenge and defeat the infamous Lone Wolf that rules this part of the Underground alone.

"Boss, no one's coming," a thug said and the leader growled. He lifted his tube and hit the floor, making an ear piercing noise. The group flinched, but their leader stand tall, not moving an inch.

"Don't be a pup and show yourself, coward!" Just as he said that, something sharp came flying across him, slightly cutting his face. All their eyes widened and stood frozen in place, not processing what just happened.

"Tch...what an annoying noise to hear from you, filthy mongrels," a cold, spine shivering voice said followed by a sound of footsteps coming towards them. The group of thugs stood still as the footsteps comes nearer and nearer, "I don't like talking, but I just want to tell you. Get your filthy damn selves out of my house!"

More blades came flying towards them as the group ran out of the building where light can touch. Their leader came last, glaring into the darkness and blood dripping from his wounds that was caused by the blades.

"Ha! Show yourself, coward!" The leader said and the footsteps walked closer into the light. In just a few moments, booted feet came into view, then a pair of black pants. After that the figure became clearer and clearer until it revealed a ravenette boy with peircing gray eyes.

The figure has a small built and is wearing a long sleeved blouse and black pants with brown combat boots. His gray eyes seems to be wearing an eternal death glare that matches his cold voice that was heard earlier. His hair is raven black that compliments his fair skin and is style in two separate portion that frame his face with the left side having the larger amount of hair.

"Boss, he's just a kid," a thug muttered, grinning confidently. The boy glared even harder and crossed his arms together.

"It seems like a new group decided to challenge me," he said, blankly and the boss of the group growled and launched towards him.

"This is an insult to thugs!" He yelled as he tried hitting the boy with his tube, only to be avoided by him. The boss turns to hit him again, but the boy ducked and kicked him in the abdomen, sending him flying a few feet away.

"No way."

"Boss is being beat up by a kid?"

The leader ran towards the boy, trying to get a punch, but the boy stopped his fist with one hand and throw his behind, sending him flying again. The boss growled lowly and ran towards the boy, but he took out a dagger and when his opponent is about to do an assault, he placed the blade in front of him and slashed the bigger man from his shoulder across the stomach, giving him a deep cut.

The group's eyes widened in shock, and fear. A small boy defeated a man twice his size without moving from his place.

The boy squatted down to the man and took a look whether he is dead or not. Although, he has no care if he is or not. All his concern is just whether the blood can be erase from his land property.

"Filthy. Very filthy," he said and turned fo the group, making them flinch, "Oi, your leader's dying. Are you taking him or not?"

"W-W-We're taking him," a thug stuttered and three of them walked towards their leader. The boy took a step away and let them do their task. One of their task actually.

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