3.Getting Use to the new Environment

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3. Getting Use to the new Environment

Levine is in his room that night and he was staring into space. The others are probably fast asleep in their own rooms while he is still wide awake. This is his first time sleeping in a soft mattress. Underground, he sleeps on the cold hard floor of his abandon building.

He's used to the cold air of the night and the darkness in his area of the Underground. So these...a room, a window where light of the moon can pass through and blankets provided for him are all new to him.

Well, this is what he chose. He chose to join the Corps to have at least a decent place to sleep in and food that he didn't need to steal in the black market, but is fighting titans for the rest of his life alright for him?

Yeah, he can beat any Underground thugs easily no matter how muscular or big they are, but fighting titans are out of his league. They're huge beast. Bigger than any thugs he'll ever see and they eat human being.

Well, at least, that's what he heard and he thinks it's true. Have you even heard thugs being cannibals? Titans are surely not thugs and he never had proper training in killing them. He can only use 3DMG.

"What have I gotten myself into?" He asked no one in particular and sat up from his bed. Thinking can't help him fall asleep. He can't steal anything in the HQ so it's pointless, so there is only one thing left to do. He have to fight his way to sleep.

He slipped in his boots and put on a clean white hoodie. He fixed his hair in front of a mirror, but stopped when he slipped hi hair in half. He tried getting his hair slip in even and stared at his reflection. He looks like that Levi from earlier.

They're both Ackermans and Hazel did say they look alike. The question is. Who is he? Does he and Levi have some kind of connection? And the other girl earlier. The girl with short black hair and blank gray eyes. She's also an Ackerman. Mikasa Ackerman. Do all three of them have a connection?

Levine suddenly thought of where his parents are. He knew he's an Ackerman because of one person who trained him to be a fighter. Kenny as he remembered. Six years of his life, Kenny would often visit him and train him to fight and he is the one who told him of being an Ackerman. After his sixth birthday, Kenny never came back and left him to thrive alone.

Even though he knew that, never once he thought of finding his family, but thoughts suddenly flooded his mind. Where are they? Why didn't he met them? Did they abandoned him or maybe they died? Over-all, he knows he's starting to get curious about them.

"Tch, is going to the surface really made me this curious?" Levine asked himself and split his hair to it's original style before leaving his room. He snuck out of the building and went to the back where he remembered the dummies were.

He found the training dummies and set one up for him to fight. He took a stance and started punching the dummy a couple of times and then did a roundhouse kick. He did it several times, inflicting damage every time he hits the dummy. He didn't hit it with all his might, but enough to destroy it.

He clicked his tongue and stared at the broken dummy. He took the broken piece and spun it around with no specific reason. It just bored him so he decided to just lay down on the floor for past time.

As he look up the sky, he didn't saw the bright blue one, but a dark void with twinkling crystal-like forms.

He heard these crystal-like stuff are called stars and they kept the night sky from darkness. Another first time for him and he had to admit, it looks stunning.

"You fought well," a cold voice said, earning Levine's attention. He looked over to his side and saw the ravenette Corporal with his arms crossed. Levine sat up and stared at him.

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