The feeling (Logicality)

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*Logan's POV*
We were all watching a movie when I felt it. Patton fell asleep on me and most of the time I would wake him up but something inside of me said not to. Something inside of me said to just let him sleep and maybe go to sleep with him. My eyes are glued to him and I look up to see Roman and Virgil giggling. They look at me and give me a smile then get up and leave the room. I look back at Patton and he starts to cuddle with me. I start to tear up slowly not knowing why. Suddenly Patton wakes up from his small nap and looks at me.
"Logan? Are you crying? What happened? Are you okay?" I bring my hands to my face and wipe the tears away and smile.
"Y-yeah I just... I never felt like this before... I-I don't know what is going on." I explain and he pulls me into a hug.
"Tell me how you are feeling." He says rubbing his hands on my back.
"I feel... good? I feel nervous? And I feel... love I think." He pulls away from the hug and gives me a happy smile.
"Who?!" He asks with excitement holding me by the shoulders shaking me.
"Patton please stop." I say as he blushes taking his hands back and I just look him in the eyes.
"It's you by the way." I tell him and he gives me a shocked look.
"Y-you like me?!" He asks and gives the biggest and brightest smile I have ever seen. When I nod he tackles me and starts to kiss all over my face.
"I love you Logan!" He says and helps me up only for me to pull him into a hug.
"I love you to Patton." I reply and we cuddle the rest of the night. The next morning we wake up and start a plan to get Roman and Virgil together.

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