Chapter Twenty Two

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       "(Y/N), the doctor would like to run one final test, then you're free to go." The nurse I'd been with for the past hour smiled warmly at me as I laid back on the cot. I'd been in the hospital for nearly two days, going through nurses faster than I went through snack cakes. "Ok," I mumbled in response. 

       A man came in now with a small tray. "Hello, (Y/N), I'm doctor Bob." I nodded. This was the same man I'd seen yesterday. "I'm just gonna do an ultrasound, just to be sure nothing too awful happened to your little bundle." He smiled as the nurse walked over and lifted my shirt, exposing my stomach. "Now, usually," the man chuckled, "this is pretty cold. But you're lucky. We've found a way to warm it now." The nurse smiled enthusiastically, "It's awfully nice. A great change."

       I smiled back at the nurse while the doctor applied the goo to my belly, running a device over my stomach and smearing the goo.

        The ultrasound (AN: trust me, they're not fun) lasted the better part of an hour as he made sure to find everything he needed to. "Alright," he wiped my stomach off, "you're free to go. Be easy on yourself, gotta look out for the little one." 

       "Alright," I mumbled. I accepted the help of the nurse as I walked from the examination room, heading out to the small waiting office now. "Do you need an escort to your home?" The nurse questioned. I shook my head, "No, thanks, I-"

       "I got it covered." 

       I looked around, finding Rick smiling from behind the nurse. "Okay." The nurse smiled kindly and walked off. "I thought you went home," I stammered. Rick shrugged, "Not after that."


       I made my way to the doors, Rick following behind. We walked down the side walk for a while, though I was increasingly tired. 

       "How come you didn't tell me?" Rick questioned, staring straight ahead. "Let's see. 'Hey, you hate me, but I'm carrying your child' doesn't have a nice ring to it." I scoffed, heading towards a bench on the sidewalk.

       I sat on one end and Rick sat on the other, chewing his lip as he watched a few cars pass. I leaned back against the bench and sighed, laying my arms over my middle. "How much longer are we walking?" I questioned. I'd never really walked from the hospital, I just knew it was roughly a twenty minute drive without traffic. "About fifteen urp minutes." Rick glanced almost apologetically at me, leaning his elbows on his knees with a sigh. "Alright," I groaned, "let's get goin'. I need a nap."

       I stood up, feeling light headed for a moment before I stretched my arms. Rick stood soon after and I began walking in the direction of home. He trailed behind, leaving me to wonder what he was doin'. Whatever. He's never cared before, so why not keep it up?

        Eventually, Rick caught up, tucking his flask away and shoving his hands into his pockets. Of course. He can't drink and walk fast.

        As I walked, I was hit with a wave of realization. "Shit," I grumbled, shoving my thumbs into my pockets and tossing my head back momentarily. "Don't say anything to Summer or Morty."

       Rick furrowed his brow, now looking directly at me. "Why?" I shrugged, "Because I don't want them to get the wrong idea." Rick scoffed, "What's the 'wrong idea'?" 
       "I'm not 'with you' or whatever. I don't want to get their hopes up. We'll figure it out eventually," I grumbled. Rick laughed incredulously, shaking his head and continuing to walk. We neared the houses now and I was glad. "It's my kid, I think I have a say in it, too," Rick stated. 

        "I would prefer you didn't say anything about it." 

       "So I just have eugh absolutely no say in this? You're just gonna make the rules as you go now?" Rick argued. I moved to cross the street, shaking my head with a sigh. "Do what you want, Rick. You never did care about what I wanted. I'm stuck carrying your child, go ahead and tell them."

       "(Y/N), that's not.. I never urp said that." 

       I crossed the street, "No, but your actions did."

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