Chapter Seventeen

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       I sighed heavily, sitting in front of Summer and Morty. We were seated in their living room, me sitting in Jerry's chair while they perched on the floor in front of me.

       "You guys, there's no easy way to say this," I explained. It was really hard for me to look at them right now, to see their reactions. "I just want you to support me in any decision I make, in anything I'm a part of or anything I do or have done, you know?" I glanced down at them cautiously, gaining nods in response.

        "Now, I know we've been over this before. You obviously aren't okay with it, but let's just get straight to the point. I have made my decision on whether or not I'm going to accept that position." I sat up straight in the chair, my hands folded together and my elbows on my knees. Summer stared worriedly, "What are you going to do?"

        "Guys, sometimes we make decisions that are hard on all of us. This is just as hard on me as it is on you, okay? I accepted the position. I'm leaving in two days." 

       Both Summer and Morty instantly looked hurt. The brunet looked almost ready to cry while his sister appeared as though unable to decide which emotion to express. "But.." Summer began, "why? Don't you see by now that we need you here?"

       "It's hard for me to explain, okay? I just... I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I think this will be good for all of us. I need to get away from everything, there's just... there are too many memories in my house alone, too much stuff I need to forget. It's just too much for me, really. I need to move on, need to get away from it all. I don't wanna be a hindrance on your lives anymore, don't want to bring you trouble. Plus, I'm pretty sure your grandfather hates me and it'd be better if I just leave." I finished with a mumble, staring at my hands. 

       "H-He does-doesn't hate you, (Y/N). You.. You go-gotta see that at some point. He just can't hate you, especially with you being the universally paired Rick and (Y/N) for our dimension. That ma-makes it harder on him especially. He t-t-told me, he said you're his, and you're the anomaly, that.. that h-he needed you to s-s-see how sorry he is for doing any of that to you. If you're leaving just because you think he hates you, then don't go. Because h-h-he doe-doesn't. He never could. If that's why you're leaving, (Y/N), please stay," Morty pleaded. "Please, we need you here."

       Summer nodded in agreement. "Yea, and mom loves that you help out around here. She always says you're such a sweetheart for helping out, making dinners and stuff when she's too tired to. And we just need you to stay around, (Y/N). We're trying really hard to show you how much we actually need you to stay here. You gotta understand."

       "Guys, I'm sorry. I really am, okay? But there's just nothing that can change my mind. I need to go do this, because this is my dream. Ever since I was a little girl, ever since I found out about science and how much fun it is to build something for your own personal amusement, ever since I was sent to Catholic school and was forced to hear all the religious lies easily explained by scientific theories that my nine year old brain could comprehend, I've wanted to educate others. I've wanted to be a part of an intellectual group. I never, not ever, thought I would have that opportunity, yet here I stand. I'm almost twenty, and I have the biggest opportunity right in front of me. I can become the President, the leader of this group. I really do appreciate you guys trying to make me stay, I really do. But I think I'm going to take this position. I need to get away from everything, to become who I want to see myself become. I already have so many problems I'm facing right now. And I promise you won't lose me forever. I'll stop by every once in a while, I promise. You're not losing me a hundred percent, and I'm sorry if it seems like that. But sometimes I just need to step away. I'm putting my foot down here, guys. I'm accepting that position. I know it probably hurts to hear, and it hurts me to say it, but I am. I want this in my life. One day you two are each going to be faced with the same dilemma, and you'll be forced to choose between what makes you happy, and what makes others happy. I wanna be happy again. I want to actually be happy again. When I first moved here, I was so damn happy. Now it's just.. dead. If I accept that position, maybe I'll find what makes me happy."

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