Chapter Twenty

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       I found myself facing yet another dilemma. I stood in front of the Smith's house, but I wasn't so sure I wanted to just walk in and scare the shit out of them.

       Shave an a haircut.. two bits! I thought while knocking, smiling at my stupid joke. I adjusted the black uniform around myself, realigning a few of the medals that came with the uniform. Some were given to me for my bravery in standing up like that, a few were for being next of kin to two dead members, and a couple more had belonged to my parents, left behind when they'd died. I felt.. a little stupid, actually. But important all the same.

       I stood patiently, hearing the knob turning as I made one final adjustment to my hair. The door was answered by a very exhausted-looking Rick, his eyes widening as he saw me. 

       "Waddup, my dude? Can't keep me away just 'cause I took the job." I chuckled. He mumbled something and stepped to the side, letting me wander in. "Already have urp all those medals?" He commented, shutting the door. "Yea, well, sometimes they make me feel dumb but eh." I laughed. 

       Rick hummed in response and wandered to the living room. I followed after him, finding the Summer and Morty watching tv with their mother. "Who was at the door, dad?" Beth questioned as Rick sat on the couch. "Somebody really eugh weird," Rick laughed.

        "I happen to resent that," I stated dramatically. Summer should've gotten whiplash with how fast she turned. "Jesus, is your head still attached?" I questioned. She practically hurdled the couch, pulling me into a hug. "Fragile, fragile, fragile!" I yelled as she tackled me. 

        "Alright, Summer. I just remembered I have to talk to (Y/N), so if you could just let go," Beth laughed, prying Summer off of me. "Come on, (Y/N). We can talk in the kitchen." I followed Beth curiously, glancing back to find curious eyes watching us.

       "So I see you're doin' well with the new job," Beth commented as we sat at the table. I shrugged, "Some of these I don't deserve. I did betray the government within the first few days and all." Beth nodded and shrugged playfully, "I mean, they do give you an aura of importance." I wasn't sure how to take that so I simply smiled.

       "Alright," Beth sighed, leaning across the table, "I have to tell you right now, they're getting suspicious. I wanted to talk to you because I want you to tell dad. I'm not saying go in there right now holding a banner, but I want you to tell him soon. You're starting to show, and you can't hide it after that." Beth looked worriedly at me and I sighed, laying my hand on my stomach absentmindedly. 

       "I just don't know how he'll take it. He's convinced I hate him, I'm convinced he hates me." Beth smiled warmly, grabbing my free hand, "Then we're gonna fix that. I want you to start hanging out with him some more, to fix everything. You have, at the very most, half a month before you're completely screwed. It'll be harder to explain, then." I nodded, "Alright. I think I can take a bit of time off. Talk about most boring decision ever, really. I don't even do anything. I could probably work from home if I wanted." I chuckled. Beth stood from the table, "You should. It's been, what, three days? We already miss the crap outta you."

       I laughed, standing as well. "There a reason he looks so dead, by the way?" I questioned. "He's been doing something weird in the garage. If you help him out, he'd probably show it to you." I shrugged, wandering back to the living room with Beth.

       "So," I leaned over the back of the couch, gaining the attention of Summer and Morty, "I might be back for a little while." I pursed my lips, watching Summer grin. "And, maybe, if you wanna have a movie night, we could totally do that." Summer stood quickly from the couch, soon followed by Morty. "Gotta have my key back, though, 'cause I gotta make sure you're taking care of my hovel." Summer laughed, "It's in my room. I'll go grab it."

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