Chapter Five

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       It's been a week since I helped Summer and Morty get their grandfather back. The sound of tinkering never returned, despite Rick being back in his home. The garage was never open. I actually saw Morty spending his summer vacation like a normal kid, playing outside in a sprinkler.

        Sure, Rick was back, but nothing changed.

       I sat in my front yard, weeding the garden once more. Throughout the past month, the weeds grew at alarming rates. They were difficult to keep up with, but I needed something to occupy myself with. I heard loud giggles, turning my head to see what was going on.

       Rick stood in the front door of the Smith house, waving goodbye to some girl walking out, her hair a mess and shoes in hand. I went back to my work almost immediately, "I don't care. I do not care. Not one bit." As I repeated my new mantra, the sound of gravel crunching in my driveway made me turn once more. In my driveway, a small Ferrari sat behind my massive black truck. "'Scuse me, pretty lady, but I'm a little lost. Mind pointing me to the nearest super market?" I walked over to his driver side door, "Sure! It's just," I pointed on down the road, "down that way, all the way to the end of this street, and to the right. Just one turn and you'll be in town." The man smiled, "Thanks, sweetheart. Say, might I get your number?"

       I turned bright red, "U-Uh, s-sure." He grinned, handing me his phone, "The name's Jason. I'm new in town, just a few houses down." I punched my number into his phone, "(Y/N). I've only been here for three months, so I kinda understand."

       He laughed, "Cool! I guess it doesn't take long to find your way around then, does it?" I smiled, "Nope, not at all.

       Waving, he backed out of the driveway, "Nice to meet you (Y/N)! I'll text you later." Honking, he pulled away as I waved, running back into my house. "Holy crap, I just gave a dude my number. I don't even know him! What would R-" I paused, sitting on my couch, "He wouldn't care. That's what Rick would think."

       I flicked through the channels, looking for something to watch. I skipped over Ball Fondlers a few times before settling on an Earth show. I tuned in to How I Met Your Mother, completely absorbed by the plot until my phone went off.

*unknown number*
Yo, it's Jason. This (Y/N)?

Yep. What's up?

       I quickly added him to my contacts, waiting for him to respond.

Nothin, just got back from shopping. You free right now?

       There are several things that could happen, depending on my answer. I pushed aside all worry and responded.

Yea, why?

Wanna hang? I can come by yours if you want.

       I squealed, excited that somebody was actually interested in hanging out with me.

Yea, sure. Come on over!

Cool, be there in ten. Walking.

       I tucked my phone away, tidying up the house before I heard the doorbell ring. I opened it to find Morty standing in front of Summer. "C-Can we talk to you for a minute?" I groaned, "I have somebody coming over, but yea, why not?" They both walked in and sat on my couch.

       "Alright, (Y/N), you can't tell us you haven't noticed grampa acting funny lately." Summer crossed her arms. "I know, Summer, but he doesn't want anything to do with me. He's made that very clear."

       "But there's s-still a p-problem." Before Morty could continue, a knock on my door interrupted him. "One second, you guys." I opened it to find Jason, "Hey, (Y/N), how's it goin?" I invited him in, "Pretty good, just talking to some friends." He eyed Summer and Morty, "Oh yea? What about?"

       Morty stood, "We're having some issues with our grampa and we n-need (Y-Y/N) to h-help." Jason sat on the couch as Summer stared from me to him and back again, giving me a funny look. "What kind of issues we talking about here?"

       This time, Summer spoke up. "We just got our grampa back from prison. He and (Y/N) used to be..." she waved her hands in the air, "best friends? Yea, best friends. But now they don't talk. And he's different. He used to do a bunch of stuff in his garage and take me and Morty out to do things like get ice cream and all that, but now he just locks himself away. He always has girls coming and going and he's been more drunk than usual. Essentially, he's giving up. We need (Y/N) to help us get him back to normal, but she insisted that he doesn't want to see her."

       Jason looked a little taken aback, trying to absorb the sudden amount of information he had just received. "Oooookay then. Well, (Y/N), I think maybe you should take her advice. But after we have a discussion of our own, ok guys?"

       He stood up in front of us and waved a badge, "We have a little situation currently with the Galactic Federation, and we need you to cooperate."

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