Chapter Twenty Three

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       It's been roughly a week since I walked home with Rick, ending with a small spat. I stayed in my home, feeling more uncomfortable knowing that those guys will probably never stop coming to find me. 

       It was particularly windy today, a small storm building that interrupted my 'earth satellite'. Sighing, I switched to interdimensional cable, hearing a series of knocks ring out. "It's open," I called out, half grumbling as I laid on the couch, fruitlessly searching for something good to watch. "Hey, (Y-Y/N)," Morty wandered in. "M-Mom says she needs y-you to come over ri-right away."

       I sat up with a sigh, "She say why?" Morty shook his head and I groaned, standing. "Alright, leggo." 

        Outside, the wind was biting my legs. I was wearing basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. Not 'windy fall day' clothes, but eh. It was a walk across the street. I rubbed at my arms and legs once I was inside, Morty quickly closing the door behind himself. "Mom!" He called out. Beth rounded the corner with a smile, turning quickly to face me. "Oh, thank God. I thought I was gonna have to come get you myself." 

       I furrowed my brow but shrugged all the same. "What'd ya need?" I questioned, adjusting my ponytail.

       "I would like your help in the kitchen while I talk to you, if you don't mind. I know you might not want to," Beth added quickly. I shrugged, "Sure, I guess. I'm awake as can be right now." Beth nodded with a smile and we walked to the kitchen. 

       "So, pot pies," Beth remarked. I nodded and we got to work. 

       "Dad told me what happened," Beth half-whispered. It was a private conversation, after all. "I wanted to hear your side before I pointed fingers." While I worked on cubing a few vegetables, I sighed. "I don't know what you wanna hear. He showed up and walked me home, but he just.. he doesn't care. And it's not that he ever said it outright, it's the way he acts. One second he can be a sweetheart, and the next he's telling you love is a chemical and it's never been real and 'oh how can you know you love somebody if you've never had time to date'. I've always known he doesn't really care, and I slipped up. That's how I got here, I made a mistake." I tossed the vegetables into the pie tin and threw in the rest, finishing off the pies and setting them on a cookie sheet for Beth to toss in the oven.

       "What he told me is that you asked him not to say anything to the kids," Beth leaned against the counter momentarily, "and he asked why you got to make all the rules. You told him to go ahead and tell them because he never cared what you thought anyway." 

       "I did say that, and he never did. He made that very clear all on his own. And I don't want him to go spouting off about it because I don't want any of you to think we'll ever fix that. I don't want you to think 'hey that's fine so obviously they're getting back together' because even I don't know what to think about that."

       Beth sighed, "I guess I can't change what you think about him, but maybe he can. If you'd give him the chance to, anyway."

       "Beth, don't go guilt tripping me into this, now," I warned, pointing a finger at her. "I'm already carrying his kid, I don't wanna have to do anything else if all he's gonna do is make me cry again." Beth simply sighed and shook her head, walking from the kitchen. "He really wants them to know, (Y/N). You don't understand how excited he is about this, but he's hurt that you think that way about him. Personally, I wish you two would talk it out instead of finding middle-men all the time." 

       I shrugged, sighing and not bothering to respond. We wandered into the living room and found the other four family members aimlessly watching television. Beth leaned over the couch for a minute before she wandered off to another room. "'Sup, nerds?" I sat on the floor and sighed. "Hey, (Y/N)." Summer smiled, "You stayin' for dinner?"
       "You know it. Don't wanna get up anymore," I sighed, laying back on the floor. I folded my arms over my forehead, "Too lazy." I chuckled. Summer laughed with me and I looked back up to tune into the show. It didn't take more than a minute for my bladder to scream again. "Ah, gee," I grumbled, getting up and wandering towards the bathroom. 

       When I made my way from the restroom, Rick was walking out of his room. "Uh," he stammered, stepping to the side and letting me walk first. I sighed and plodded down the stairs, making my way to the living room, laying back down on the floor. "You feelin' alright, (Y/N)?" I glanced over at Jerry, who, miraculously enough, put his iPad down on his lap for a minute, glancing at me worriedly. "Yea, brah, I'm good. Just really, really tired." I yawned, as though my body wanted to emphasize, and sprawled out on the floor. "You can use one of their rooms if you don't wanna sleep on the floor," Jerry suggested. "Yea, but I just laid back down here," I retorted with yet another yawn. "Besides, dinner's gonna be done soon. I'll just.. nap down here, and.. yeah, that thing." I laid back, placing my hands behind my head and crossing my legs as I laid comfortably. "Okay," Jerry mumbled after a minute, most likely going back to popping balloons on his iPad.

       "(Y/N), dinner's ready." I lifted my eyelids just enough to see Summer towering over me, lightly tapping my side with her foot. "I'm up," I lightly shooed her foot away and sat up. I yawned heavily before standing the rest of the way, feeling light headed momentarily. When the ringing in my ears subsided, I followed Summer to the dining table, sitting beside her again. "Hoo, boy. I need to stop doin' that," I chuckled. Beth laughed quietly, dishing out the meal before taking her seat like always. 
       "So, I don't really know what is up, but you've been kinda off, (Y/N)." Jerry pointed the end of his fork at me suspiciously as he chewed slowly, trying to hide the fact that his face was melting. "Uh," I chuckled, rubbing my arm, "yea, just been a lot goin' on. Gonna, um, solve that.. problem in a short while." I winced at my choice of words, not wanting to see much of the reaction that would get from Rick. I glanced at Beth who appeared slightly worried before clearing my throat. "I'm fine, Jerry, honestly." Jerry shrugged, "It's just weird. You're hiding something."
       "Drop it, Jerry," Rick growled. I jumped, not having expected that from him, and dropped my fork. "Sorry," I mumbled, picking the utensil up once again. Beth gave me an apologetic look before sighing softly. "Would you like some apple juice, (Y/N)?" I shook my head, "No, thanks. Never really liked it." Beth nodded almost knowingly, "Alright, well, what would you like to drink?" She pressed. I sighed, knowing she probably knew more about this than I did. "Any sorta juice but that," I mumbled, resting my chin in my hand and picking at my dinner. Beth nodded and moved to the kitchen, returning shortly after with orange juice. "Thanks," I smiled and took the glass. Beth grinned knowingly and took her seat once more.

        When I was nearly finished, my phone buzzed in my pocket. "Excuse me," I mumbled, pulling the device out.

You're needed back on base ASAP, President.

       Sighing, I grabbed my plate. "I gotta get back to the Federation. Somethin' came up, I guess." Beth glanced at me worriedly. She was the only person I felt comfortable looking at, at this point. No doubt Summer and Morty felt as suspicious as Jerry, and Rick would probably guilt trip me into an apology that he doesn't deserve. "Promise you'll be careful? You really need to take care of yourself." I nodded, wandering into the kitchen and rinsing my dishes. "I promise, Beth. Hopefully I'll have everything figured out by then."

       Beth sighed once more, standing and walking over to me. I received a hug and another warning to be careful before the rest of the family, all but Rick, anyway, swarmed me, each receiving a hug. Rick sat at the table still, staring down at the plate of untouched food before himself as though deep in thought. Beth glanced over at him and frowned heavily, turning back to me now. "You shouldn't leave without a hug," she pleaded. I sighed, "I know. I'd feel guilty." 

       I wandered towards Rick, his eyes never leaving the plate. He must have assumed I would simply walk past him and make my way out of the house as he seemed very surprised when I'd given him a quick hug. No special goodbye or anything, just a simple hug. I allowed my hand to linger on his shoulder momentarily before I wandered from the house, crossing the street and finding Jason waiting for me once again. "I just need to change," I called out as I stepped into my house for the last time in another while.

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