Chapter Six

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       Leave it to me to find myself in a heap of trouble, like always.

       As Jason waved his badge in front of us, I felt so stupid. "See, we, at the Federation, ran into a small problem when our President was eliminated. It's not a bad problem. Nobody was his biggest fan. The issue is the release of one Rick Sanchez. Now," he walked closer to us, "I'm here to bring him back. However, I was present for your little speech. Obviously, you two were more than just friends. or 'best friends', as she put it." He jabbed a thumb at Summer.

       "Essentially, I've got mixed feelings about this. I want to fulfill my orders, but I also understand what you said that day. Right now, I'm a little surprised that Sanchez is ignoring you after you built him up, but that's beside the point. Currently, I have a moral dilemma."

       "You like to talk, don't you?" Summer rolled her eyes, saying what we were all thinking. Jason rolled his eyes in response, "Anyways, I have to decide what's right in this situation. Either bring Sanchez in, or return and leave him with what he always wanted; a loving family. And I don't know what to do."

       He sat on the floor, running his hand through his hair, "I know I look crazy right now, but I'm really having a battle of morals right now."

       He sat on the floor for a few moments while the three of us on the couch spoke together. "See, (Y/N), this is stranger danger right here." I lightly flicked Summer's forehead, "Not now." Morty shifted uncomfortably, looking out my front window. "Uh, g-guy's? R-Rick's coming o-over." Turning, we all, including Jason, saw Rick just as he walked into my house, no knock or anything.

       He took in the sight before him, clenching his jaw when his gaze settled on me. "They're eugh coming h-home now." Summer and Morty looked between the two of us as Jason stood.

       "Tell you what," Jason began to walk out the door, "I've made my decision. I'll leave you to figure this out. He can stay."

      As soon as the door closed, Summer and Morty stood, wandering over to Rick. "B-Bye, (Y/N)." I waved to Morty, watching as Summer shot me an apologetic look before walking back over to me.

       "What is your guy's problem? Seriously, what the hell?!" Summer had dragged Rick by the sleeve, pulling him towards me and pushing him backwards. He fell onto the side of the couch opposite to me, "Wh-eugh-at the hell, Summer?" His words were filled with anger as he tried to stand again, only to be pressed back.

       "S-Summer, I think you should just go, ok?" Three pairs of eyes turned to face me, "Don't force apologies or anything. The effort is appreciated, but unnecessary." Morty grabbed my arm, "Please, (Y/N), y-you don't un-understand. Y-You guys, you have to fix this. It's hurting u-us, t-too. We don't like this. N-Neither of you are in your garage anymore. One o-o-of you keeps having girls over and is getting co-constantly drunk and the other is j-just locking themself away. Y-You're kil-killing yourselves, basically, because of some stupid ar-argument!" Morty threw his hands in the air, "Y-Y-You gotta fix this."

      I stood up, pushing Morty away. "There's nothing to fix." I hadn't meant to sound harsh, but there was nothing I could do now. I watched Morty stare up at me, shocked, before Summer dragged both he and Rick out. "(Y/N)?" Summer paused in the door, "You're hurting us, too."

       As the door clicked shut, I made my way to my room, sitting on the edge of the bed. On the floor, nearly underneath the box spring, was the bracelet Rick had made for me. 'To keep you safe'. 

       His voice carried through my head as I, too, faced a moral dilemma.

       "Count on Summer to get your ass in gear." I sighed, laying down on the bed.

       "Maybe tomorrow I'll ask her what to do."

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