Chapter Thirteen

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       "I need to talk to your friend, Bird Person." I wandered into the Smith's house, clad in loose pajama bottoms and a big t-shirt. Rick sat up quickly, pushing himself off the floor. He'd been working on a fairly large project, dusting himself off. "Why?"

        It'd been about two weeks since I'd gone to the doctor. Two weeks of me freaking out. This was the first time I'd visited the Smith's in a while, so it would be obviously weird that I show up out of the blue and demand to talk to somebody else's friend.

        "'Cause he's pretty smart and I have a really big problem. Plus, I wanna make sure Tammy's holding up her end of the deal." A while ago, I spoke to Tammy, telling her it's not fun, being the one to trick somebody in such a way. She'd admitted she hadn't been wanting to follow order for a while, finding that she somewhat cared for the Bird Bro, and we both agreed she wouldn't turn him in or anything.

       "I wasn't urp really planning on going anywhere today," Rick grumbled. "This is really freaking important," I explained. "I need to talk to him, like, now."
        Rick stared at me suspiciously before grumbling something I didn't quite catch. "Fine," he stated after a minute. "I eugh gotta talk to him, too." 
       He grabbed his portal gun and I mentally sighed in relief, not wanting to be stuck in the ship with him for that long.

       We both wandered up to Bird Person's home and I knocked, being answered by Tammy. "(Y/N)." She grinned, pulling me into a hug. "Hey, Tammy," I chuckled awkwardly. I didn't know her that well, so it was awkward for me to hug her. She released me after a minute, "Thanks for the advice. I'm really happy, Addams." I smiled, "Good to hear. Is he around? I really need to talk to him."
       Tammy nodded, leading us into the house. Bird Person glanced over from the couch, smiling kindly. "(Y/N), it is nice to see you again. How have you been?"
       "Oh, y'know, a little lost, a bit confused. I'm actually here because I need your advice." BP sat up curiously, "Oh?"
       "Yea. Can I talk to you alone?" BP nodded, "Tammy, please keep Rick distracted." BP was always so blunt, it's great.

       BP and I wandered into a different room, quite a ways away from the others. "I have a really big problem, and you've known Rick longer than I have. Obviously you know there's nothing there, at least that I can see. He's very obviously moved on and forgotten, but this is bad, BP."

        I spent the next hour relaying the entire story to BP, watching him nod and hum in acknowledgement consistently. When I'd finished the story, his eyes were wide.

        "It is very clear to me that you have a problem. I do not know how he would react to hearing that, and you are not correct in assuming he has moved on. He has simply numbed himself yet again. I wish I could offer you assistance, but I must say this seems more like your issue." I sighed in defeat, "I was afraid of that. But, BP, don't do what you did with Morty. I don't want him to know. I'll figure it out, but don't you go saying anything, because I'll have to hurt you."

       Bird Person nodded, "I wish I could be of more help to you, but this is beyond my knowledge. However, I do believe Tammy and I will have offspring of our own very soon." 
       "Get some," I laughed. "Thanks, really, though. I guess I'm just glad to have somebody else know, at the very least. Just, please, for my sake at least, do not mention any of this to him."

       "You have my word. I would hate to ruin anything for a dear friend of mine." I wasn't sure which of us he meant, but I smiled at BP as I made my way from the room, BP following behind as we rejoined the other two.

        "Yo, BP, I'm eugh gonna have to talk to you, too." Rick stood up and Bird Person sighed, the first time I'd ever seen him to something like that. I laughed as I took a seat near Tammy, watching Rick and BP disappear to talk again.

       "So, what'd you need to tell BP?" Tammy turned to me curiously. I sighed, "I'm in some deep shit here. I'll tell you about it later, I don't think I have enough time to. Or ask BP to tell you. Say I gave you permission to know."

       Tammy smiled, "Alright. And, really, thanks for your advice. I really am happy. And I hope you accept that position as President. I want to see what else you can do for the Federation."

       "Thanks, Tammy. I might wind up taking that position, just to get away from everything." I sighed once more, tuning into the show on her small television.

       Rick returned roughly fifteen minutes later, actually smiling as he did so. "Thanks, again, urp BP." Rick cleared his throat and hid his smile while BP took a seat next to Tammy. "Any time, Rick."

       "Alright, let's get eugh goin' before those two flip their shit." I nodded in agreement with Rick and we both stepped through the portal. 

       "Thanks for that, Rick. I gotta get goin', I have to think about some stuff."

       "Yea, uh.. me, too." Rick smiled and wandered to the door dividing the house and garage while I walked back across the street, wondering how the hell I was supposed to say this.

      "Nap first," I yawned, wandering into my living room, "moral dilemma second."

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