Chapter One

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       I never, not once in my entire life, would have thought I would ever plan a mission to break somebody out of prison. I never imagined I would find myself in this position, listening to a pre-pubescent 14 year old boy explain the many ways we could break his badass grandfather out of prison. I had always imagined myself becoming an esteemed scientist, wasting my life giving lectures to college students and wondering what I could build that would contribute to society.

       I never thought I would be the reason somebody would willingly go to prison.

       When I had told Rick I was done, that I could not put up with his games anymore, I had no idea the effect it would have on him. As he turned his back and ran out of my house, actual tears flowing down his red-tinted cheeks, I had broken a man who thought he had it all figured out. I had broken the once most-powerful man in the universe. And it was my job to restore him to his former glory.

       I broke him. I get to pick him up, dust him off, and send him back on his path.

       "G-Guys, I think I have an-another idea." I straightened in my position on the couch, rubbing the exhaustion from my eyes. Summer had joined us a few days ago, offering any help she could give. We haven't slept much. Three days we've sat in my home, trying to find the perfect plan to rescue that damned man.

       "I-I say we go in with the M-Meeseeks box and order them to kill all of the guards. T-Then, while they're taking them out, we find R-Rick and pull him down. He could have a plan fr-from there." Morty clasped his hands together, hopelessness in his eyes.

       I stood, patting his shoulder before going to make a sandwich. "You two, we should get something to eat. Let's... let's take a quick break. We need it. Rick wouldn't want you to die because you forgot to eat the entire time you planned his great escape." Reluctantly, the two nodded in agreement. We each made a small sandwich and ate quickly, wanting to figure this out soon. "Morty, your plans are great, really. But we can't rely on Rick having a plan. At this point, I don't think he wants to come out. Y-... you saw what he wrote." I felt tears sting my eyes, both Summer and Morty watching me with pained expressions.

       "(Y/N)?" Summer sat near me on the couch, "We know you didn't do it on purpose. He was hurting you, it's okay. But, right now, we need you to realize that Rick did it for you, not to spite you. He did it to prove he cared, because he knew he messed up that day. Don't worry. We're not upset with you, and I know Rick isn't either. We really need you to realize that, please." She wrapped her arms around me for a moment as I looked over to Morty. He didn't appear to blame me for it, but he didn't appear to be too happy with me over what happened.

       "Morty?" He looked up at me as Summer released her hold, "Y-Yeah?" 

       "Do you hate me? F-For what happened... for Rick turning himself in because of me?" He looked sad as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I-I don't hate you, but I... I wish you'd listened when I told you he would do something like this. He really does care about you, but he has... he has t-trouble showing that. He's not a tender man, really, but Rick tries his hardest to make it clear, in some ways, that he does care, even a little. And he made it very clear to me that he cared about you, but he had trouble expressing that to you personally. D-Do you get what I'm saying?" I nodded, wiping the tears from my face and sniffling. 

       "Right now," Morty sat in a chair directly across from the couch, "we need to figure out how to get him home. We need t-to get Rick back." Summer and I nodded in agreement, waiting to hear another idea from Morty. If anybody had even the slightest understanding of the Galactic Federation at this point, it was Morty.

       "We need to figure out a way to get into the Galactic Federation before we figure out how to get Rick out." Summer folded her legs beneath her, addressing Morty, "Do you remember how you and Grampa Rick got in at all?" Morty looked at the floor, shrugging sheepishly. "We usually got caught doing something, and the Gromflomites would drag us in. That's really the main way we got in. Rick rarely teleported there, saying it was a waste of time."

       In a matter of seconds, I shot up from my spot on the couch. "Summer! Do you still have the house key?!" She, in a concerned manner, pulled the key out and placed it in my hand. "Guys, I have a plan, and I know it'll work!" I ran out of the house, not even bothering to see if the two followed, and unlocked the doors, making my way into the garage. I was glad to see that the Federation hadn't taken any of Rick's things. My heart squeezed when I saw the massive crystal I had bought for him, sitting in the corner. It looked like he was carving something out of it, but there wasn't enough work done to see what it was yet.

       Brushing off the sudden wave of sadness, I sat at his work desk, watching Summer and Morty barrel over each other as they made their way into the garage. "(Y-Y/N), a l-little warning next t-time?!" Morty was bent over, catching his breath, while Summer stood expectantly.

        "Sorry, little man. But, guys, I really do have an idea! We just need to figure it out one hundred percent." I spun in the chair as they sat on the floor, reminding me of when Rick addressed the whole 'marking' topic. "Everything is a damn memory..." I grumbled before switching to battle mode.

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