Chapter Twenty One

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       After the movie night, I decided to spend more time at home. I hadn't hear much from the Federation other than what Jason dutifully reported to me, spending more time in my house and thinking. 

       Beth had been right. Currently, I was freaking out. My stomach was definitely beginning to show and it was growing increasingly difficult to hide it, or do anything without passing out. 

       I'd spent a few days at the Smith's, talking to them. I'd even had a conversation with Rick on several occasions.

       "Up," I announced as I stood from the couch. I made my way towards the kitchen, finding my notepad and pencil.

       Recently, Rick had become more affectionate again. It was almost weird, the way he'd do simple things like stop by and watch tv for a while, or pull me into random hugs. It was almost weird, but it was definitely a good thing.

       I knew I had very little time to tell him before he found out for himself, so I sat at the kitchen table, wondering how to write this because there was no way in hell I'd be able to say it all straight to his face. 

       I'd recently been wearing the bracelet he'd given me, as well, as a way to say 'hey, I appreciate you'. He'd smiled a little when he first saw it, when we'd been sitting in the living room holding general conversation about his tv show.

       There was definitely, without a doubt, still something there. That much was certain as I sat at the table and thought.

      Nearly twenty minutes had passed before I heard knocks on my door. I abandoned the blank sheet of paper and made my way over to the door. A nicely dressed man stood there, staring patiently with a kind smile. "Evenin', ma'am. I was wond'rin' if I might use yer telephone a minute? I'm a bit stranded, yo' see." 

       I peered curiously, finding there to be no car of any sort. "Uh," I glanced at the man warily, "sure. Come on in." I welcomed the stranger into my home and shut the door. 

       "Here," I unlocked my phone and handed it to the man with the dial pad up, "I'll be in this room, to give you some privacy. Just come on in when you're done." 

       "I thank you most kindly," he took the phone and smiled as I wandered into the kitchen, sitting once more in front of the blank paper. 

       Roughly two minutes later, the man wandered into the kitchen. "All set?" He nodded and walked over towards me, my phone in his hand. "Yes, ma'am. Just need to wait a minute for my friend to get here. That alright with you, if I wait here for him?" I nodded slowly, tapping the pencil against the notepad after a moment. The man wandered back into the front room, still holding my phone. Must be waiting for his friend to call back.

       "Ma'am, could you come out here a minute?" I heard from the living room. With a light sigh, I hopped from my chair and walked out.

       "Hey, pretty lady." I looked across the room, finding the same man from the restaurant standing there. "Aw, ma'am, now don't be scared." The 'gentleman' from earlier grinned, holding my phone up. "Now, I just wanna talk, pretty lady."

       I backed up, the men advancing now. "Now, ma'am, don't you wanna be hospitable?" I shrieked and ran for the stairs, not knowing if I could push past them to get to the door fast enough. Heavy footsteps followed after me as I sprinted, the men yelling at me and one another. I glanced at the bracelet, praying it would work still. "RickRickRick!" I shrieked, running into my bedroom. The men were still climbing the stairs as I hid in my closet, shutting the door behind me.

       I stared at the bracelet, praying that whatever it did still worked. The closet was dark, a sliver of light creeping through near my feet. I heard shuffling coming from down the hall, doors opening and closing, objects being violently shifted. My bedroom door squeaked open slowly and I held my breath, wanting to cry or run or scream. "Oh, pretty lady," the man cooed. "Come on out." 

        I squeaked slightly, covering my mouth and trying to stay quiet. The man rifled through my room, shifting things around from what I could hear. I heard footsteps wandering around for a while more and eventually they came to a stop. I assumed the man had left, though kept my hand over my mouth as I was afraid beyond reason.

       The closet door was violently ripped to the side now, a head poking in. "Found you," the man growled. He grabbed my foot and dragged me out, all the while I tried to shout for help. "Shut up!" The man kicked my side after he released my foot and I cried out in pain, clutching my side. "I'm gettin' tired of these games, missy. Ain't nobody run away from me, not ever. So much for a little fun, doll." The man loomed over me with a leering expression, heavily pressing his hand to my throat. I clawed at his fingers, trying to free my airway. I kicked at him, tears falling down the sides of my face as he grinned maliciously. 

       Please, somebody, anybody.. I'm in here.. Please..

       Black spots appeared in my vision as I found myself less able to kick now. "That's right," the man ground out. "Stop squirming." 

        My head felt like it was going to explode, my chest burning. My mind was going blank, my vision dark and blurry. There's never been a good way to describe dying, but any one word that I'd choose to describe it would be 'terrifying'.


       "(Y/N), come one," I heard pleading. There was a mouth over my own, air moving through my lungs, before the feeling disappeared again. "Come on." I heard muttering as somebody pressed down on my chest. 

      Stop that, they're sensitive already.

       I felt the mouth over my own again before it pulled away. Suddenly I was coughing, laying on my side. The world was hazy when I managed to barely pull air into my aching lungs. 

       I laid on my back and tried to understand what had happened, where I was. I understood enough to know Rick was sitting on the ground beside me, talking to somebody quickly, hurriedly, on the phone. He looked down at me as he spoke, but the words were lost to me. His eyes were full of pain of some sort as he spoke.

       I looked around, finding myself in what I think is my room. I looked all around, finding a man on the floor and another slumped against the wall. 

       I mumbled something unintelligible even to myself and Rick paused his conversation, moving closer. "Don't try talking, alright? I'm gonna take care of you." Rick sounded pained as he went back to his conversation. I shook my head, furrowing my brow at the ringing in my ears, and loosely grabbed his wrist. He looked down at me and I tried again. "Th-" My voice died in my throat momentarily. Rick looked more worried than before.

       "The b-baby," I muttered. Rick looked around, confused, the phone still held to his ear. "What baby?" He questioned. I laid a hand on my stomach, feeling ready to pass out again. 


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