Chapter Three

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       The first thing I noticed when we walked into the room was the Gromflomite sitting at a desk, his claws folded under his chin. As he spoke, his mouth looked like a ball-sac happily waving in the wind. I suppressed my laughter as I listened to what he had to say.

       "(Y/N) Addams, it's a very pleasant surprise to find you've wandered into our headquarters. After 19 years, you've joined our ranks at last." His mouth moved and I assumed he was trying to politely smile. I gave a small grin of my own before I stepped aside, motioning to Summer and Morty hiding behind me, "Well, President, these two have decided to join our ranks as well. As I was just telling the Gueterman's, they saw how the world improved once Sanchez was removed from it and decided they would like to be a part of that. I would like to take them on as my understudies, if that's fine with you."

       The President made a strange gurgling sound before he stood. "This is absolutely marvelous! My dear (Y/N), this is why I have selected you as my second in command. After everything I saw your parents accomplish, I knew you would turn out this wonderful young lady I see before me today. So, you are willing to finally accept your position in our ranks?"

       I nodded, folding my hands in front of me, "Yes, sir. I've waited for this moment since I was first informed of my optional position among you." The President made a sound similar to a laugh and clapped his hands, "Excellent! Now," he motioned for another Gromflomite to move closer, "this is Anthony. He's to take the three of you and get you fitted into uniforms. Unless you wish to remain in your current clothing?" He stared expectantly. I looked over to Summer and Morty, neither looking too pleased about having to wear the uniforms. "Sir, with all due respect, the three of us would rather wear these."

       Anthony moved back to his original position when the President waved him away, "Very well, Addams, I'm not one to refuse a request. However," reaching into his desk, he pulled out a fairly small box, "I would appreciate it if the three of you would wear these." He handed each of us a pin with the symbol for the Galactic Federation on it, along with three ID tags. We placed the pins on the left of our chests and were led to another room shortly after, having our photos taken and placed on the ID tags. Our fingerprints and ID numbers were entered into a system, giving us access to any level. Silently, I thanked whatever power that gave us this supreme access. It meant we could find Rick with no problem! At least, I hope that's what it meant.

       We were ushered back to the room, the President having a quick and serious discussion with another human. They left the room once we returned and the President looked over to us with a serious, yet playful, expression. "It seems as though you've come at a good time. You get to witness the trial for Sanchez. Of course, he is to be held for life, but a good trial will be lovely. Now," he wandered back to his desk, sitting and opening a laptop, "feel free to wander about. I'm sure you must be dying to see the entire area! You have access to every level, including maximum security, but I do ask that you proceed with caution." I nodded in understanding, "Yes, sir. Come on, you two." I pushed Summer and Morty out of the room as we made our way around, looking for maximum security. 

       There was no doubt in my mind that they would keep him under the most security.


       It took roughly an hour and a half, but the three of us, tired from walking around, found the maximum security prison. "Woah woah woah, hold on you three." One of the guards at the door eyed us suspiciously, "You look awfully new, and far too young to have access to this level. I sug-" I held my ID up to his face, followed by Summer and Morty. His face-balls fell in disbelief, "W- Ok, guess y'all are just getting younger every day." He continued grumbling as he opened the doors, "Do you need an escort, or have you got it?" The three of us exchanged glances, but nobody would say anything. Eventually Morty spoke up, "N-no thanks, w-we can find our way." The guard shrugged before resuming his position. As soon a we were in the room, the doors slammed behind us. 

       Everywhere you looked, guards stood in position in front of countless criminals held in floating containment pods. Orange jumpsuits and grimaces were all around us. We made our way around, trying to find Rick, or at least the area in which he was being held. 

       Eventually we just gave up, walking over to a guard. "Excuse me, sir?" He grunted, looking slightly down to meet my gaze. He was only a few inches taller than me, but the massive weapon in his hands made it seem worse. I felt self conscious about the weapons lining my own outfit. With a grunt, he nodded in acknowledgment, which I could only assume was the motion for me to proceed with my request. "We are looking for Rick Sanchez, C-137?" 

       He waved at another guard further down, and they continued their silent signals. We followed the path, walking up to each guard that waved at us to move. Eventually, we made it to the last guard. "Rick Sanchez, C-137." He spoke silently into a radio on his shoulder and loud machinery could be heard.

       Looking up, we saw one containment pod being brought down towards us. Summer and Morty made their way as close as they could to the landing strip, waiting anxiously. I stood in the background, letting them see Rick while I looked around. I knew he wouldn't want to see me.

       As soon as a loud clunk resonated throughout the room, Summer and Morty did their best to hug their grampa. His limbs were held in restraints, but he looked genuinely happy to see them, if not exhausted at the same time. His voice was hoarse when he spoke, "W-What are- How? We're not supposed to have v-visitors or anything." He hadn't belched once, a sign that he was refused alcohol.  

       Hearing my name, I tuned into their conversation, "(Y/N) brought us here." I had to move closer as they spoke in hushed whispers, not wanting to attract the attention of any eavesdropping guards, "She used her position to get us here. We have access to any floor. This was all her plan. We're gonna get you out of here, grampa Rick!" Summer hugged him once more while Rick was speechless. Morty decided it was his time, "R-Rick, you didn't have t-to leave, y'know?"

       "I-I did, Morty. I did." I watched Rick look at the floor. He didn't want to look at me, out of shame or hatred I could not tell. I let them continue their reunion, looking around at all of the evil-looking characters held to the walls in similar fashion.

        The guard tapped my shoulder, "It's time to leave. Lights out." He backed away, leaning against the wall once more while I walked closer to Morty and Summer.

       "I really do hate to bring an end to this, guys, but we have to go now." Summer and Morty whined in complaint, "Trust me, I would leave you with him if I could, but for now we have to go. You two can come again tomorrow. You have special privileges." I smiled at them. "Y-You me-mean you won't come with us tomorrow?"

       Morty stared at me, innocence and confusion in his eyes. "No, Morty. I won't be." I didn't look at Rick as I led the two away. They had hugged him as long as they could once more, receiving a sad smile from their grandfather before he was pulled into the air again and placed back into his block.

        Once we were out of Maximum Security, we ran into Anthony, who proceeded to inform us that we could stay in our actual homes instead of in the dormitories held there. We were instructed to return at 7am, though that was more an order for me than for the teens.

       That night, we all stayed at my house. We weren't going to see Beth or Jerry until we brought Rick back.

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