Chapter 24- Janessy moments

Start from the beginning

I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind him and pressed my forhead on the spot between his shoulders, under his neck. "Tell me." I whispered against his shirt and I felt him slightly shiver.

"No Janelle." He whispered back and I frowned.

"Please?" I asked one more time.

He quickly turned around in my arms and my hands fell to my sides. He picked me up bride style and ran out of the kitchen, throught he living room, and up the stairs to our room for the night. I squirmed and giggled and I let out a little yell when he tossed me on the bed.

"No!" He said and I laughed as I tried to get off the bed.

Before I could though, he jumped on the bed and grabbed me by the ankle. He pulled me back to him and I squirmed to be set free. But I was too weak. He was stronger than me but I still fought to get away from him. He grabbed my waist and held me in place under him. I laughed and he was grinning, his eyes were wild though. Looking for his prey.

"Let go!" I said and laughed some more.

"No!" He said and lowered his head to bite my shoulder.

"Ow!" I said and shockingly looked at him. "You bit me!"

He just laughed and kissed where he bit me. I grabbed his face in my hands, and forced him to face me. He kissed me and I smiled.

He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "We have to go to sleep, tomorrow's a big day!"

He rolled off of me and helped me up. I decided to take a shower because I was probably stinky, and didn't want the bed to smell bad also. And it's not like Jessy was going to let me take a shower in the morning.

"I'm going to take a quick shower." I said and grabbed my stuff needed to take a shower. I also reached for the shopping bag and took out a pair of pjs that he bought me.

"Do you want me to help, or can you handle it all by yourself?" He teasingly said and layed back on the bed, watching my every move with his hungry eyes.

"I'm a big girl." I said and walked to the bathroom, before walking in, I turned to look at him. "But if I need any help, I'll make sure to call your name." I winked at him, walked in the restroom, and purposely left the door just a bit open. Not closing it to show him it's not locked.

He was a gentleman though. Really respectful. Even when I stripped down and checked to see if he was peeking through the space, he wasn't. I took a shower but didn't call his name. I was expecting him to surprise me or something, he didn't. And when I was done and fully dressed and walked outside, he was still on the bed but watching some TV. He really was serious and I really liked that.

After I blow dried my hair and made sure it was completely dry, I jumped in bed and cuddled up next to Jessy. His arm went around me and I rested my head on his chest. He was watching some sort of replay football game he'd missed, and I didn't mind. I was sort of a football fan myself. Even though I wanted him to pay me some attention, I knew this was his alone time.

When the game was over and the team he was going for won, he turned off the TV and looked down at me. "You sleepy?" He asked, and after half an hour of just laying there quietly, I was getting really drousy.

"Mhm." I replied and he leaned away from me to turn off the lights. The room was completely dark, expect from the moonlight that was peeking in through the curtains. The doors were closed, and I could barely see his face.

"Let's go to sleep then." He said and got under the covers. He had been ontop of them, and I was already in them.

I helped him by moving away a bit, and once he was settled, he opened his arms for me to get in. I suddenly remembered the party, and how I spooned with him but couldn't rememeber since I was so drunk. I turned my back to him and scooted closer to him. His arms wrapped around me and I gently pressed my body to him. We were spooning.

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