Chapter 3- Let the drama begin!

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I didn't know how to wrap my head around the small fact that I was standing here, holding my phone against my ear, and listening to the voice that was making my heart speed up.

Why after all these long years, he decides to come back, call me, as if it were nothing. As if his silence and shocking disapearance was another casual thing he did. How dare he have the nerve to call me after what I've been through, because of him.

I was on the phone with Bradly Johnson. The only Bradly I've ever known, whom I ever exchanged a word to. The one who I had fallen madly in love with.

"Jay," Bradly went on when he figured that I wasn't going to respond to what he had said before. "I missed hearing your voice."

It took every cell in my body to not burst out yelling all the questions I've had bottled in my heart for so long, and it took a lot of my will to stand there, taking in deep breaths, and letting them out slowly. I mean, how was I supposed to act when someone you were close to, dissapears out of your life for years, then calls me like nothing ever happened. Where did he even get my phone number? Why wasnt I bursting into tears, why wasn't I happy to hear his voice? I was just standing there motion-less. Full of complete shockness.

With my teeth glued together, to try and not burst out yelling, and taking in deep breaths, I opened my mouth and spited out the words. "Where were you?"

I was expecting him to answer my question right away, but instead he stayed quiet, almost long enough to make me wonder if he had hung up.

"Bradly," My voice cracked. "Answer the question."

I could hear him exhale. "Alright, I need to see you. This can't be done over the phone."

"What do you mean by 'this'?"

"Can you meet me by the town park? You know," His voice turned from anxious to relaxed. "the one we would always hang out at. Do you remember?"

How could I ever forget? That's where he had given me my first kiss on a cheek by a guy. That park had special memories that I could never forget about.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Great." He paused. "Jay?"


"I've missed you, a lot." He sounded genuine, but my mind was telling me the opposite.

I took in a deep breath, hoping I could breathe in courage. "I've missed you too."

"See you in a few."

"See ya."

And just like that, we hung up, and I colapsed on Noah's bed.

Bradly Johnson. He was my first next door neighbor. He lived in the house that Noah was now living in. I was in the room Bradly's used to be. Do I now find it ironic? Just a bit. But Bradly became my best friend at school. Some bullies were picking on my pigtails, and he came in to the rescue and ended up giving one of the guys a nose bleed. Ever since we were everywhere together. Of course, up until he suddenly left without any goodbyes and left for nine years. Until now that he has come back. For what? Of course I still love him, my first and only crush, but after all this time?

I finally gathered enough strenght to get up of the bed, and walked downstairs to just bump into Clare. Clare was like my second mother, always there for me whenever my mom wasn't around. Clare had that special magic touch that some mothers tend to get. She never did the whole, 'Is this your girlfriend?' when I first came over, and ever since she has treated me like the daughter she never had. She was also very small and fragile, that I could just hug forever and be completely happy.

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