Chapter 4- When two forces collide

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I woke up feeling great. Better than never. Even if I had had about the biggest fight with Noah yesterday, the fact that I still had Bradly by my side was the greatest feeling ever. Noah must've been crazy for telling me stuff that wsn't even true. And what hurt me the most, was comparing me with Hailey. I knew I wasn't as beautiful and popular as her, but I at least have a beautiful personality that I love, and if he's too blind and mean to compare us like that, he's out of his mind. And he was definitely crazy to think that I would be the first one to apologize. Im mad enough to not even care if Noah finds out that the guy I will be hanging out with me today, will be my best friend who I had before him.

I changed from my pj's to a flowery black dress, put on some thights because it was beginning to get chilly, and my long brown leathered boots. I picked my hair up in a ponytail, and played with some mascara on my long eyelashes. And goodness, I was surprised, they looked good! I finished with some natural glow blush, and red chapstick. This was an outfit and makeup thing that I've been planning on wearing, since I normally don't, it's weird, but I felt like today was the day to do something on the edge.

A car's honk was my signal for me to come down and be on my way to school. I was almost forgetting how nice it felt to not have Noah burst in the door and yell out his "ELLE" alarm. After our fight, I knew he was going to try and make me apologize first. Well, no way bro.

I ran down the stairs and slung over the bag Noah and I had picked out at the mall about a week ago. He knew I wanted to do a makeover, so he helped me decide what outfit looks good, and which ones were ugly.

As I walked out my front door, a sort of confidence struck in me. I wasn't wearing my T-shirts that I normally wear, or my leave my hair down because it was easier to hide behind my hair curtain. This was a new me, and it was as if faith was directing me in the right direction, because right when I reached Bradly's gaze, I could see his jaw drop a little, and eyes pop out. That's funny look: number one.

"What in the world?" Bradly said as I climbed in the passenger's seat. His tone was off into a daze.

"What? Do I look wrong?" I snapped my head around to face him, and shot an innocent face.

He looked me up and down, I felt slightly uncomfortable, but I liked that at least I was being noticed. "No." He chuckled. "You look great."

"Great!" I said and snapped my buckle up. "Shall we go? Or do you wanna stay parked here all day?"

"Let's go." He said and turned on the engine.

I couldn't help but notice that right as we were getting ready to leave, Noah walked out of his front door, and when he heard the car come to life, his head turned and looked me right in the eye. I jumped a little in my seat because Noah knew it was me. His eyes went wide. First full of shock, and then confusion. His eyes drifted off of me and to Bradly. His expression became more confused. I smiled triumphiantly at him, and as we drove off, I waved bye and laughed. Funny look: number two.


School was a bit odd today. Right when I walked through the door, it was as if I was the new girl instead of Bradly. All eyes on me, and it has been years since that had happened. Last time, Noah was right next to me. But this time, their eyes were on both of us! Not just Bradly, but on me too! Bradly walking just right behind me kept bumping into me, and I could understand why. He too wanted to just hide under a rock.

This year I only had one class with Noah, and that was art, this year I had about three classes with Bradly. And as we walked together to our classes, I couldn't help but hear people whispering/talking obviously really loud for me to hear, about Bradly and I.

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