"he kissed me and i pushed back. he kept forcing himself on me even when i said no. that it'd be our little secret." jungkook began to sniffle again and now, jimin realised that this story was taking a different turn.

"he said not to tell anyone or else i knew what would happen. i knew what he meant and so i tried to leave the room but he just grabbed me and pushed me on the bed. he held me down and kept telling me that he missed me, and i kept begging for him to stop.. but he never did." a tear fell from jungkook's eye, and jimin's entire demeanour changed from stiff and agitated to soft and worried.

"he.. raped you?" jimin whispered. jungkook nodded and began to sob, now it was jimin's turn to hold the boy. rage filled the shorter boy, he wanted to kill junho with his bare hands for what he did to his boyfriend. jungkook had to deal with this all alone, all because he wouldn't let the boy explain what had happened.

"i'm so sorry." jimin sighed as he held the younger. jungkook composed himself, sitting upright once again.

"i thought you should know. now you can come back home." jungkook said, optimism in his eyes.

"i can't." jimin sighed.

"why not?"

"because, i still need to gather my thoughts. i know none of his was your fault kookie but i still need to think other things through." jimin explained. while he had been away from jungkook he realised he had never really treated him very well, and jimin needed to know if he was willing to go back.

"what's there to think about? i was sexually assaulted." jungkook replied, almost angry.

"just stuff." jimin replied.

"you're going to leave me alone when junho is still roaming the streets?" jungkook asked.

"have you called the police?" jimin asked.

"i can't. junho knows people, if i rat him out i'll be dead." jungkook replied.

"then what do you want me to do, kill him?" jimin asked. jungkook looked confused before he just stood up and shook his head, turning around and walking away.

jimin got up and returned to the apartment, confused and more importantly; angry. angry at junho, angry at jungkooks expectations of him, angry at himself and angry at the world for making his life so complicated.

yo yo yo short (ish) chapter bc I wanted to update so bad but couldn't bc my laptop wouldn't turn on even tho I charged it (so I'm using my phone ew)

oh and I got tagged in this thingy by, trulymoonie jibootaey and antaesocial

oh and I got tagged in this thingy by, trulymoonie jibootaey and antaesocial

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Thx for the tag guys so imma start I guess

1. nam joohyuk and lee sungkyung oh my god like how could one not ship them??¿

2. I don't listen to him much but either wild or the OG ~ happy little pill

3. YES MY QUEEN I was supposed to see her live but the concert got cancelled and I'm still waiting for the new date 👀

4. spiders blegh

5. Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to either act or sing, but I can't do either so realistically, my dream profession is to become either an author or a psychologist

6. failure/ losing a love

7. Goblin lol but I haven't finished it so nO spOiLeRs thx

8. Vmin & namjin till I die

9. no but I only like top tae with certain pairs for example I prefer top tae in vmin but bottom tae in vkook

10. Almost (:

11. Ya girls a social rock so I've never kissed anyone (unless you include when I was 5)

12. cakes (I hate too much cold food)

13. I mean BOTH but yoonseok I guess I mean Hobi brings out yoongi's dorky side plus like I wrote yoonseok for a reason ok bye

aaaaaand I'm not gonna tag anyone bc everyone I talk to has either already been tagged/ has tagged me lol

thxxx for readingffg


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