Chapter 19: No Crust

Start from the beginning

Of course he didn't.

"Why do you call them hounds?"

"What do you call yours?" Lances asked with an amused tone.

"A beast."

He laughed. Seen that coming.

"Well I guess that works too." He continued to laugh, "The technical term we were given were hounds."

"Given by who? I thought we were hybrids?" I didn't understand any of this.

"Slow down little one." I rolled my eyes. "If you give me a second I will explain. And if you keep rolling them beautiful eyes at me and you'll lose them back there kitten." His smile was aggravating yet dazzling all at the same time.

"We are hybrids. From a mix of vampire and werewolf, we are created. But, there is a catch.."

There's always a catch. My beast murmured.

"Say a pure vampire and a pure wolf mate, they will produce a hybrid but with lesser blood, so to say. That child will either be more wolf or more vamp. If it's more wolf, then it should still be able to shift into a wolf but if it's more vampire it might lose that ability. Same goes with the need to drink blood, if the child is more wolf that may not be necessary.. When a hybrid is born from two pure parents it's a toss up on what attributes the child will receive."

"Now say two hybrids mate and they, by chance, produce a child. Said child would be a hybrid of stronger blood. They may retain the ability to shift and the need to drink blood. If that's the case then usually they can only partly shift their body, like their arms or hands. You still following?"

I nodded my head and motioned for him to continue. He just smiled some more and motioned for me to sit down once again. Sighing, I took the seat between Lucas and Lance.

"Good. Now where was I?" He scratched his chin for a moment then started up again. "Now notice I said if two hybrid produced a child by chance.. The likelihood of that happening is slim to none. Something about the two DNA's mixing makes most men and women infertile. But, if the Goddess smiles upon them or they just happen to have a stroke of luck and arn't part of that category then they pass their genes onto their offspring." He paused for a moment when Knight strode back into the den with a plate of sandwiches.

"You need to eat girl." He placed the food in my lap.

Hmph, how caring of him..

My stomach growled, loud enough for everyone to hear, at the smell of the ham and cheese sandwich before me. For the hundredth time today, I sighed. Damn my body and beast for betraying me. I picked at it for a moment before tearing the crust off the edges of the bread.

"Really?" Knight growled. "I said eat it, not destroy it girl."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't like crust." I said blankly.

"Of course you don't."

I wanted to growl or show my teeth but I had already shoved half of the crust-less sandwich into my mouth so I decided to just ignore him. I think that might have pissed him off more.

Point for me.

"Okay children, shall I continue?" Lance looked back and forth between the two of us while Lucas tried to hide his laughter. "As I was saying, the offspring of two hybrids can partial shift. Like so," He lifted his arm in the air and I watched as his skin rippled and darkened. My eyes widened and I nearly choked on the bread. Lucas leaned over and tried to pat me on the back but I shot him a look of disapproval. He just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled under his breath something along the lines of, fine.. choke then.

I had never seen anyone else shift like I did. Instead of sprouting fur, like most wolves, smooth dark scales covered his arm. My beast pushed her self forward and we mocked his shift with our own.

Consumed with curiosity and excitement, my heart pounded in my chest. I pushed the plate aside and scooted closer to him. "Can I?"

His now swirling eyes softened with endearment and the corners of his lips lifted into a smile showing a little bit of fang. "Of course little one." His voice was deeper.

Cautiously, I reached out to touch his shifted arm with my own. Pausing nervously just before I made contact, my eyes connected with his. He met me the rest of the way and pushed his large arm into my hand.

Warmth flooded my system just like it did outside and I couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped my lips. I ran my claws down his arm softly as the tingles continued.

His groan made me yank back my hand, startling me out of my trance. "No it's okay, it just felt good. That's all kitten."

"Why does it feel like that?" My head still felt like it was on cloud nine while my beast melted into a puddle of purrs in my head.

A harsh laugh exploded into the room pulling a growl from Lance. Knight acted like he was wiping tears from his eyes as he quickly exited the room again.

Lance took a calming breath. "That's another explanation for another time little one."

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