Chapter 18

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*Hogwarts Express: Aisle* *Third Person P.O.V*
Emily and Alex walking through the train, looking for an compartment to sit in.
She stopped as Emily notices that students are looking at her and whispering to each other.

"Hey, Emily!"

"I found somewhere to sit" Alex tells Emily and she looked at them for a moment before walking on.

A girl with brown hair and silver eyes is sitting down reading a book along with a rat on her lap.


She looked up and see two children standing there, "Do you mind if we sit here. Everywhere is full" a boy asked.
"Of course" she replied with a smile and the two entered the compartment.

"I'm Alex by the way, Alex Weasley" he said to the girl, holding his hand out.
"I'm M-Melinda...Melinda Lovegood" she said back and shook Alex hand.
"I'm Emily..." she started to say.
"Yes I know who you are, Emily Potter" Melinda tells her and his eyes widened.
Alex turned to look at Emily, " it true?" he asked.
"What true?" Emily asked back.
"I mean, do you have the...the scar?" Alex clarifies and Emily lifted up her hair.
There's a mark right on Emily forehead, a lighting scar.
"Does it hurt? You know, the scar?" Melinda asks her as Emily put her hair down, covering it.
"No, it doesn't hurt one bit" Emily told Melinda.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

The three look and see a plump old woman with a trolley, full of sweets and treats.
"Can I have one pumpkin pastries and one bertie bott's, please" Alex tells the woman.
The woman got out a pumpkin pastries and one bertie bott's box from the trolley.
She handed Alex the food and he gave her the money the total came up to.
"Can I have a pumpkin pastries and a chocolate frog, please" Emily tells the woman and she did the same with Alex for her.
"Anything for you dear?" the woman asks Melinda.
"No thank you, I'm all set" Melinda answered, holding up her pack lunch.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?"

"They mean every flavour" Alex told Emily.
"What flavour are there?" Emily asked.
"Well, like I said there are lot of flavours. There's chocolate and peppermint. There's also spinach, liver and tripe" Alex told her and Emily grim at the end.
"I will try one" Emily said as Alex holded out the box and she picked a bean out.
"I remember the time that George swear that he got a bogey flavoured one once" Alex tells her as Emily ate the bean.
"Hmmm..." Emily hum
"Which one did you pick?" Alex asks Emily.

Chocolate" Emily answered and Alex nod his head.
Alex notices Melinda looking at the packet he's holding, "Do you want one?" he asks her.
"Yes please" Melinda replied and put her hand into the packet.

"I'm an pureblood wizard, my whole family is. I lived with my dad, my mum, my three brothers and my younger sister" Alex tells  Emily and Melinda.
"What's a pureblood?" Emily questioned.
"I-I think I am a half-blood" Emily guess.
"What do you mean, you think?" Alex asks her and Emily looked down.
"My parent died when I was only one. I never knew my parents. My grandparents told me that my father is a pure blood wizard and my mum a muggle-born" Emily explained.
"I'm sorry to hear, about your parents" Alex told her.
"Me too" Melinda added.
"It's alright. Don't worry about it" Emily assured them with a smile.
"But where do you lived now?" Alex asked.
"I lived with my mum parents, my grandparents" Emily told him.
"How about you Melinda?" Alex asks her.
"I'm a pureblood witch. My father is a writer and my mother is an professor at Hogwarts" Melinda tells them.


Melinda nod, "What does she teach?" Emily asked.
"Divination" Melinda answered.
"I heard that it teaches methods of divining the future of gathering insight into future events" Alex stated.
"But you don't do the course till third year, if you want to. My mother told me that" Melinda tells the two.

"These aren't real frog, are they?"

"Don't worry, Emily. It's only a spell" Melinda reassured her as the girl is holding a blue and gold package.
"'s a chocolate frog?" Emily checked and Melinda nod.
"It's the card you want inside more than the chocolate frog" Alex tells Emily.
"What do you mean?" Emily asked.
"Each pack or card has on it is a famous witch or wizard. I have got 500 cards myself" Alex explained.
Emily hesitanted for a moment before she went and open it, Ribbit
The chocolate frog suddenly jump to the open window and leap out.

Laugh...Door Open

The three of them looked and see Anna standing in the doorway, "Excuse me. Has anyone seen a toad? A student has lost one?" Anna asked.
The three shake their heads, "Hello Anna" Emily greeted with a smile.
"Oh, hello Emily. Sorry, I didn't recognise you" Anna said back in embarrassment.
"That's alright, Anna" Emily assured her.
"This is Alex and Melinda" she introduced the two students sitting with her.
"Hello Anna" Alex greeted and Emily looked at him before looking at the older student.

"Well, I got to go now. Nice to see you three and I wanted to tell you that you need to change into your robes soon. I expect we'll be arriving soon"

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