Chapter 30

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*Two Week Later*
*Lawn* *Third Person P.O.V*
Broomsticks are in two neat line on the grass, Gryffindor and Slytherin students at each one.
"Good afternoon, class" Arianna greeted them as she walk down through the line.
"Good afternoon, Professor Dumbledore" everyone greeted back as Arianna made it to the front.
"Welcome to your first flying lesson, everyone" Arianna said them all.
"Stick your right hand over the broom and say, Up" she instructed and her bloom flies up into her hand.

"Up!" "Up!" "Up!"

"With feeling" Arianna inform the students.
"Up!" Emily called and the broom flies up into her hand.


Emily turned and see Draco did the same as her, "Up!" "Up!" "Up!"
"Up!" Lavender yelled and her broom flies up, hitting her on the nose.
"Up!" Lavender groan as she rub her nose in pain.


"Shut up, it's not funny!" Lavender told her friends.
"Okay class. Now, once you've got hold of your broom" Arianna started to say as she does so.
The students copy the Professor, "I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, don't want to be sliding off the end...When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle...3...2..." Arianna said.


Then suddenly...

Neille broom started to go up with a frightened boy on it.
"Mr Longbottom..." Arianna started to say.


Neville soar through the sky before Thud!
He hit a wall, next come along it and then...swoop off!


Neville zoom back on his broom towards the other students as Professor Arianna got out her wand.


When Neville got close enough, all the students scattered and Arinna dives out of the way to avoid him.
Neville then goes up a tower, "Ahhhhh!! Whoa! Ahhh!"
He zooms past the statue of a man with a sharp spear and Neville got caught on it.
Neville is flipped off the broom, hanging from the sharp spear.
"Oh,!!" a frighten Neville cried as he waves his arms about.


Neville black cloak suddenly rips....and...Thud!
The boy has fallen onto the ground as all of the students immediately ran on over.

"Everyone out of the way!"

The students stepped aside allowing Arianna to come through.
Arianna crouch down to the ground to help poor Neville sit up, "Owowowow"
"Oh dear, he got a broken wrist" Arianna stated and helped Neville stand up.
"I am going to take Mr Longbottom to the Hospital Wing to get it check out. Everyone to stay on the ground, ok" Arianna told the students.
Arianna turned around and started to lead Neville away, "If I see one single broom in the air, you the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, Qudditch" Arianna called out.

Emily Potter Book 1(Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora