Chapter 66

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*Chamber* *Third Person P.O.V*
Emily, Sienna and Daniel entered the room to see a table.
On the table are 7 bottles of different shapes and sizes on it with a arch way behind it.
The three look behind them and see a purple flames, block the entrance now.
Black flames blocking the exit and Emily see a piece of parchment paper, with writing on it.
Emily picks it up as she looks at it and stared to read it out.

Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind,
Two of us will help you, whichever you would find,
One among us seven will let you move ahead,
Another will transport the drinker back instead,
Two among our number hold only nettle wine,
Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.
Choose, unless you wish to stay here for evermore,
To help you in your choice, we give you these clues four:
First, however slyly the poison tries to hide
You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;
Second, different are those who stand at either end,
But if you would move onwards neither is your friend;
Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;
Fourth, the second left and the second on the right
Are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight

"Hmm...Each bottle has liquid inside each one of them"  Daniel said.
"Brilliant!" Sienna exclaimed.
"This isn't's logic...a puzzle" Emily said.
"A lot of greatest wizards haven't got an ounce of logic, they'd be stuck in here forever" Sienna stated.
That's it!" Daniel exclaimed.
"What it?" Emily asks him.
"This riddle has reveal to use the contents of each of the bottles. It's look like one of these are safe to drink, allow us to move on" Daniel explains.
"So...if we know which one is which, then we can figure out which potion we can use to get pass these games in the exit. But how?" Emily said.
"Wait a minute, Daniel" Sienna said to her brother.
"Yes?" Daniel asked her.
"You do have knowledge of potions. You can recognize what in these bottles" Sienna said to him and he nodded.

*Time Later*
"Here we go"

"Okay, this one and this one are fire protection potions. They can get us through that fire" Daniel tells the girls.
The two girls nodded before they took a sip of the drink and walk through the flame to get to the other side.

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