Chapter 15

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*KingCross Station* *Third Person P.O.V*
A family of six are walking through the busy station, pushing their carts.

*Alex P.O.V*
"I'm so excited to go to Hogwarts. Learning new spells and making some new friends. I hope I do my best" I said with a smile.
"Of course you going to do well at Hogwarts. You're my smart boy" my mom told me.
"Younger version of Percy" Fred said to George.
"He read Hogwart History a million time" George said pointed out.
"Agree brother" Fred agreed.
"He's going to get eater" George tells Fred.
"Maybe a big spider" Fred suggested.
"Don't listen to them, Alex. You will be fine at Hogwarts" my mother reassured me.
"Did you know, Alex, that Hogwarts is the finest school of witchcraft and wizardy in the world" Percy tells me.
"Known it all" Fred said.
"Mummy boy" George said back.
"I so proud of you, Percy. My son a prefect" my proud mother tells my older brother.
I look and sigh as my twin brother are bewitched Percy by using magic to write a word with their wands on his forehead.


My name is Alex, Alex Weasley and I am 11 year old.
I am the youngest son and the second youngest child in the family.
I have red hair and blue eyes, the hair colour like the rest of the family.
I am a smart child with vast intellect, just like my older brother Percy who is in his fifth year.
I have a lot of knowledge of all sort of spells and Hogwarts History,  for example.
I am a pureblood wizards, not like the other pureblood.
We are poor and I don't judge others, like muggles.

*Third Person P.O.V*
"Always packed with Muggles, of course"

The Weasley are walking through the busy station.


Alex stopped pushing his trolley as his family walked past him.
He sees a girl around about his age with auburn hair and green eyes, sitting on an bench nearby.
She has a trunk on the trolley and a cage, a white snowy owl inside.
Alex turned his trolley and started to push it forward...

Emily is sitting on an bench on her own, "E-Excuse me"
She turns her head and see a boy her age with short red hair standing beside the bench.
"Are you by chance going to Hogwarts?" he asks her and she nod.
"Alex, Alex Weasley" he said and stuck out his hand.
"Emily" she said back and the two shook each other hands.

"Wait a minute"

"How do you know I'm going there?" Emily asks Alex as she stands up to look at him.
"Because not everyday you see someone with a trunk and a snowy owl, is there?" Alex answered.
"I guess not" Emily agreed with a shrug.
"Well, uh, I better get back to my family. They made be wondering where I am" Alex said.
Do you know how to get to the platform you need to go on?" Alex said and Emily shook her head for no.

"Come on. I help you get to the platform. Follow me"

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