Chapter 60

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*Classroom* *Third Person P.O.V*
Door Open

Emily, Alex, Melinda and Sienna entered the room..running down the aisle between the desks to get to the front.
Professor McGonagall is sitting behind a desk, "We have to see Professor Dumbledore, immediately!" Emily told her.
She stopped working, "I'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here" Professor McGonagall replied as she looked up at the four.
"He received an urgent all from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London" Professor McGonagall explained.
"He's gone" Melinda whispered.
"But this is important, Professor McGonagall, it's about the Philpsopher's Stone" Alex inform her.
Professor McGonagall eyes widened in shock, "How...How do you know about that?" she questioned.
"Someone's trying to try and steal it" Emily announce.
"I don't know how you found found out about this, but I can assure you the stone is perfectly well-protected" Professor McGonagall assures them all.


"Now would you go back to your dormitories? Quietly" Professor McGonagall told them and they all sigh

"There was no stranger Hagrid met in the village"

"What do you mean?" Melinda questioned as the four are walking.
"It was Snape. Which means how to get past Fluffy" Emily told them.
"And with Dumbledore gone..." Sienna began to say.

"Now, what would two Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?"

They turned to see Professor Snape standing there, "Uh...we were just..."
"The three are with me uncle" Sienna stated.
"We were about to go outside and hang out. We were on our way now" Sienna explain to her uncle.
"Very well, but before you do now. Your brother wanted to see you, about your exam" Severus inform her.
"Of course, I'm coming" Sienna tells him and Severus nod his head before walking away.
"I better get going guys. Emily tell me the plan when you get back" Sienna tells them all and turned to walked away.
"Okay what do we do?" Melinda asked.
"We go down that trap door, tonight..." Emily started to say.

"Okay. All four of us will meet on the third floor, at a classroom so be careful...we don't get caught"

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