Spiders and Borrowers (Mat and Nate+Mark) (Part 2)

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"He's not waking up though."

"What?" Mat peered at the borrower. He studied Nate for a few seconds before he noticed the slight but rapid rise and fall of his small chest. "Hmm..." he held his hand closer and suddenly snapped his fingers. Nate couldn't help but flinch and jolt away in fear, his eyes flying wide open with alarm.

"Mat!" Stephanie exclaimed. "You scared it!"

"Well sorry, but I had a feeling I knew exactly what it was doing," Mat explained. "It was faking, playing dead. It might be some sort of survival instinct, but it wasn't doing a very good job of it..." Nate looked and saw how high up he was.

"Ah!" He cried out and fell over, backing away from the edge.


"I got it, here, I got it." Nate growled desperately and squirmed when Mat picked him up.

"L-let me go!" He wailed. Mat's eyes were wide as he struggled to hold onto Nate.

"Hey relax little guy, we're not going to hurt you!" Nate stopped in the middle of pushing Mat's finger away and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You're... you're not?" He whimpered. "Y-you won't-" Nate stopped and shivered as he let his imagination run wild. "You won't dissect me for science, o-or kill me or something?" Mat and Stephanie exchanged appalled glances.

"No, of course not." Nate slumped over Mat's fingers in relief as he gasped out a grateful sigh. He was still uncomfortable being chest deep in the human's fist and five feet high in the air, but at least they weren't going to kill him.

"We like science, but we're not murderers," Stephanie added, sympathy in her eyes. Nate nervously glanced up at her.

"Are you sure?" He asked in a small voice. Then he wanted to kick himself. Damnit Nate stop sounding like an eight year old!

"Promise," Mat assured. The reassurance still made Nate's chest feel less tight, and he sighed in relief.

"Th-thanks." He glanced down at the floor and thought about Jack's fear of heights, and he remembered why it was a good idea to respect the Irish borrower for his wary. "Can-can you put me down now?" He forced himself to squeak out. "P-please?"

"Oh, yeah of course." Mat looked around for a place to put Nate down, but he scowled when he remembered that the spider infested closet was right behind him. "On second thought, you might be safer up here," he mumbled awkwardly. Nate frowned and wiggled a little.

"Can you at least hold your hand out flat, please? This is really uncomfortable," he asked.

"Sure." Mat moved his hand and held it out flat like a platform, but he used both of his hands and slightly cupped them so Nate could feel safer. Nate shivered and sat up warily.

"Thanks," he muttered.

"So what's your name? Do you have one?" Mat asked. Nate glanced at Mat with surprise. He had expected the first question to be: "What are you?"

"Yeah, it's Nate." Nate did his best to not sound so scared.

"How long have you been here Nate?" Stephanie asked. It was an innocent question, but Nate felt a small prickle of indignation.

"Well..." he frowned. "Not long, just a few weeks, maybe a-a month?" He scratched the back of his head, thinking now. "Hmm..."

"What are you?" Mat finally couldn't contain himself and had to ask the question.

"Mat!" Stephanie chided. Nate found this funny for some reason and laughed.

"It's ok," he said. "I'm a borrower."

G/T YouTubers (One Shots and More)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang