Chapter 87: Arena

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm 26 and I'm a woman, and it doesn't work on me..."

"It's probably their fear of death...." suggested Green. "...that's suppressing their wicked desires! They are pathetic but very lucky!"

"I don't know what's going on, but we'd better get out of here at any rate! I just want to find someone important, that's all!" exclaimed Luffy, and you nodded.

Both of you ran toward the closest window and jumped through it. As you fell down, you heard a gun shot and Luffy yelled at you to be careful. He shielded from the bullet and released a pained noise when the bullet fell down from his skin:

"I couldn't make it bounce" he said. "Wasn't it a bullet?"

"Maybe it's something else. A Devil Fruit perhaps...." you said while landing on the ground.

"That man and woman are intruders! Capture them, Kuja Pirates!" yelled the black haired woman from the top of the tower.

A second after, you were encircled by Kuja warriors who looked a lot more tougher than the other girls in the village so far. They pointed their snake-bow at you two:

"It would be best for all of us if you come obediently..." said one of the women.

"Ran, there is no man or woman outsider who can defy the Kuja Pirates" giggled another next to her. "Also, they look very weak"

"So, the all female pirate crew are you people?" questioned Luffy. "Do you know someone important?"

"What are you planning to do if we tell you?"

"If she's an important person, she'd have a ship, right? I can ask her if she'd take me to her ship, and then I can hurry up and sail out to sea!" grinned the young boy.

"That's ridiculous! Do you really think a man who intrudes into Amazon Lily, a place forbidden to men, can leave alive?"

Luffy jumped out of the way, and gave you a piggyback as he stretched himself to swing himself on top of a roof. The two of you started the cycle of running away from the Kuja warriors, avoiding their arrows and slashes of their swords/daggers. Suddenly, you heard a cry from above you, and you barely had the time to turn your head in this direction that the old woman from before kicked the two of you inside a wall.

"Itai! Even the old women of this kingdom are strong?" said in disbelief Luffy, rubbing his head in pain.

"You can't run away anymore..." said the Kuja women, encircling you both and aiming their arrows at you.

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