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"I'm going to kill him..."

"Dino calm down... I'm fine..."

"No you're not! Noona you're hurt!"

"Please just let it go..." I sighed, gently squeezing his hand. We were walking back to my dorm when we bumped into Dino and Soonyoung along the way. Dino had immediately questioned my injury and both boys wore hardened expressions after hearing its origin story.

"Nari-ssi, I'm sorry he did that to you. I'll be having a talk with him later," Soonyoung said, voice firm. I shook my uninjured hand at him and adamantly pleaded that neither boy did anything.

"Please let's just drop it. I don't want to be the cause of anymore fights in the house. There have been enough because of me..."

"Nari-ssi, please don't feel like any of this is your fault. We are the ones in the wrong. All of us doubted you when Seungkwan wrongfully accused you of something you never did. Let us make things right again," Soonyoung pleaded, gripping tightly onto his book bag. Dino nodded his head vigorously in agreement and I bit my lip in hesitation. The arm around my waist tightened slightly and I looked over to Jihoon. He gave me a soft smile and nudged my shoulder.

"We all need to make it up to you. We promise we won't fight anymore. Only talking things out," he reassured me. An exasperated sigh released from my lungs and I finally relented with a small nod. Jihoon pulled my hand to his lips and I blushed slightly at his gesture.

"I've missed seeing hyung be so mushy... he's no fun when he's moping," Dino sighed, giving me an amused grin. Jihoon threw a glare at the maknae and peels of laughter erupted from my lips. They soon stopped though as I noticed my boyfriend's eyes soften when they returned their gaze back onto me.

"I've missed your laughter..."

My cheeks slowly grew warmer and I looked away, biting back a grin.

"Okay I take back what I said. It's too gross."




"Hello Mingyu."

I leaned against the counter as the younger male finished ringing up another customer. His bright smile was infectious as I watched him interact with the smiling customers. As soon as the couple left with a cake he turned to me and asked me how I was doing.

"I'm doing better. The swelling went down and I no longer have to wear a sling. It's still rather sore though since it's only been a few days."

"That's good. Do you want anything noona? My treat."

"A green tea latte sounds pretty nice..."

"Coming right up! Go take a seat noona. I'll make this really quick and then sit with you while you wait for hyung."

I nodded and went to go sit at my usual table. Jihoon was currently in class and we were planning on meeting at the cafe when he finished. Propping my chin up with my hand I watched Mingyu float around behind the counter. A small grin pulled at my lips as I noticed a girl sitting nearby that kept sneaking glances at the tall barista. Her long hair shielded most of her face from him as she peeked through her fringe to watch him, almost wistfully. Mingyu finished making my latte and quickly made his way into the seat across from me. He slid my drink across the table to me and I gratefully took a small sip. A small snort escaped my lips as I noticed Mingyu's admirer glare at me from the corner of my eye. Unfortunately my amusement caused my drink to go down the wrong pipe.

"Whoa! You okay there noona?" Mingyu asked, brows furrowing as I coughed slightly to ease my throat. I waved my hand to show that I was fine before finally clearing my throat properly. Mingyu lifted his own latte to his lips when I decided to speak.

"I think you're in danger Mingyu."

It was boy's turn to choke on his drink. He quickly attempted to compose himself before leaning in close to me with wide eyes.

"Noona! What're you talking about?!" he hissed. I leaned in close too and nudged my head slightly to my right.

"You're in danger of getting an admirer," I whispered, a giant grin breaking across my face. Mingyu froze at my words before slowly turning his eyes to my right. The girl was staring at us intently since our faces were so close. The moment she noticed that our attention was on her though she grabbed her book and pretended to be immersed in it.

"Eunha?" he breathed, a puzzled look flickering across his face.

"Oh! So you know your admirer!"

"She's just a classmate. She comes in to study every once in awhile. She doesn't like me though.."

"With how she keeps glaring holes into me I highly doubt that."

"No really, she doesn't like me like that noona. Stop messing with me like that," he admonished, a pout settling onto his lips. A huff left my lips as I frowned at the oblivious boy.

"Should I be concerned as to why you two are leaning so close together?"

Mingyu shot straight up and quickly responded in the negative as my frowning boyfriend appeared, glancing between the two of us unamusedly. I pouted and softly wrapped my hands around Mingyu's.

"Awww... Mingyu I thought we had something special..."

The size that the boy's eyes grew to was almost comical as he jerked his hands away and began to sputter out his denials that anything was happening. I bit my lip as I watched the panic grow in his eyes and Jihoon glared at him.

"Go flirt with Eunha instead of my girlfriend. She's been eyeing you two with daggers for awhile."


Laughter bubbled from me as I watched Jihoon smirk at the bewildered boy.

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