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Words cannot even begin to describe how elated I felt as Jihoon pulled me closer to him. My knees began to give out on me as he deepened the kiss. Thankfully his grip on me was so tight that I was saved from collapsing to the ground. Eventually we pulled away, breathing deeply as we stared into each other's eyes. He gave me a small smile and pecked my lips once more.

"Forgive me for being stupid?" he breathed. I could only nod as I leaned in for another kiss. Right as our lips brushed against one another, I suddenly felt the absence of pressure against my back and my eyes widened as I realized I was falling backwards. Jihoon stumbled forward and tightened his grip onto me, barely managing to turn us around so that he would land under me and cushion my fall. My eyes were clamped shut as we crashed into the ground and I heard Jihoon grunt in pain. A moment later, the sound of a camera clicking could be heard. We both looked up to see Seokmin grinning down at us, his phone in hand.

"You're welcome," he said, continuing to take pictures of me lying on top of Jihoon. I looked down at Jihoon and we both gave each other a nod.

"I'll hold, you attack."

Seokmin's eyes widened in fear as we both shot up from the ground. He had barely taken two steps before Jihoon pounced on him, causing him to fall. I quickly rushed to his side and began running my fingers along his sides, tickling him. Seokmin squealed in laughter and swatted away at my hands, dropping his phone in the process. Quicking grabbing it, I deleted the pictures that he had just taken and smiled in triumph.

"Oppa! I deleted it!" I beamed, waving the phone at the two wrestling boys. Jihoon immediately stopped and his face lit up as he looked at me.

"You called me oppa again..." he softly said. I blushed and smiled shyly at him. We heard a cough and looked to see Seokmin glaring up at Jihoon, still being held down on the ground. Jihoon chuckled and helped the younger boy up.

"For such a shorty you sure are strong," Seokmin muttered. Jihoon glared at him and punched his arm.

"Ow! Noona! Stop your boyfriend from hurting your favorite dongsaeng!" Seokmin whined, coming to hide behind me. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm.


"That's what you get for locking us up and taking pictures of us," I muttered before hugging him, "And this is for helping us make up.."

He chuckled and hugged me back.

"Anything for you noona..."

"Okay, that's enough hugging."

I giggled and slightly pulled away to see a frowning Jihoon.

"Is oppa jealous?" I giggled, keeping my arms still wrapped around Seokmin. Jihoon glared at Seokmin and I felt Seokmin attempt to pry me off.

"Noona... you should go to hyung now," he nervously said. I laughed and finally let go to Seokmin's relief.

"I guess it's too late to go to class now..." I sighed, looking at my watch. Seokmin scratched his neck sheepishly and apologized to me.

"I'm sorry for kidnapping you two like that. Noona has been really sad because of you hyung. You need to make it up to her. I know I promised you I wouldn't interfere but I couldn't do it anymore when I saw her about to give up on you," he said, looking Jihoon in the eye. Jihoon stared blankly at him before nodding in understanding. He then walked over to me and intertwined our fingers.

"Nari-ah... let's go. Thanks Seokmin, I'll see you at the dorm later."

I smiled as Jihoon led me out of the building and waved goodbye to Seokmin. We walked out towards a nearby park and Jihoon brought me over to a set of empty swings. He sat me down and stood in front of me, scuffing his foot against the ground.

"I really am sorry Nari-ah... I'm not very good at expressing my emotions. It's just I have always kept to myself and I've never let anyone in before. Even my friends I keep at a distance at times. I've never been in a situation where there was someone I've wanted to let in before and that scared me. It still scares me... but I'm willing to try for you..." he softly confessed.

"Can... can I please take you on a date?" he asked.

"Only if we get strawberry shaved ice," I replied, smiling shyly. He chuckled and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Of course."

"It's a date then."

Chords to My Heart... | WooziWhere stories live. Discover now