Seyoung Unnie

38 3 2

"So how do you like your school?"

"It's really good! I like it a lot. I'm learning so much and I've made some really good friends."

"That's good sweetie. I'm happy to see you so happy..."

"Thank you unnie... if only oppa was too..."

Seyoung gave me a small smile and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. She was my older brother's girlfriend and had been a huge part of my life ever since they had gotten together. Anytime I had problems that I didn't feel comfortable speaking to Wooyoung about, I would turn to Seyoung. We were currently sitting in my old bed, catching up.

"He just wants what is best for you and he's scared of his little sister growing up. You're all the family he's got left Nari-ah. Try to be a little bit more understanding."

"I know... I really do understand, but at the same time I need to live my own life too. I can't rely on him for forever..."

"I know little one... anyways, enough serious talk. Tell me more about your friends!" she urged. I felt a small smile appear on my face as one particular boy came to mind. A finger poking my cheek snapped me out of my thoughts though.

"Ayeeee.... that smile tells me there's a special one! Did my little Nari find herself a boyfriend?" she cooed. My cheeks flared red and I looked away, nodding timidly. Seyoung squealed and threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Awww! How cute!! Do you have a picture?! I want to see the boy that stole my little Nari's heart!"

I giggled and unlocked my phone. My smile grew as I saw Jihoon's smiling face on my home screen.

"Omo! He's adorable Nari-ah! You really found yourself a cutie! How did you two meet?"

My cheeks once more turned red as I began to narrate how we had met. Seyoung would occasionally make comments about how cute we were and how she thought he sounded like a great match for me.

"He's originally from Busan as well. I might introduce you to him during break..."

"Introduce who to us?"

We both froze as we turned to a frowning Wooyoung.

"Who are you introducing to us Nari?" he repeated. My mouth suddenly became dry as I saw the hard look he was giving me.

"Yah! Wooyoung-ah. Stop being so serious," Seyoung chastised, giving my hand a small squeeze.

"Nari... Who?"

"M-My boyfriend..."

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