Chamomile tea

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"I thought I told you not to come..."

"Oppa... please..."

Dark, hardened eyes pierced through me as I wrung my hands together. His hand still held the door, about to shut it in my face.

"Are you here to stay? I'm assuming you aren't since that bag you have barely holds anything."

Biting my lower lip, I hesitantly shook my head no. He sighed and moved to close the door. I let out a small cry and forced myself against the door, preventing it from closing.

"Please... just let me come in and talk."

He stared at me before finally opening the door wide enough for me to enter. I quickly rushed inside before he could shut me back out. The smell of chamomile tea reached my nose and I softly smiled. Deeply inhaling, I felt a bit of comfort from the familiar smell.

"You always did love your tea..." I softly said. He nodded silently and walked back into the kitchen to continue brewing his favorite drink. I followed him and placed my bag down onto an empty chair before taking a seat myself. He poured out two mugs of tea and placed one in front of me before sitting down. No words were spoken as he took a few sips of tea and stared at me. I wrapped my hands around my mug and relished in the warmth it brought to my clammy hands.

"You look well..."

"Nari, cut the pleasantries. Why did you come here when I told you not to?"

My heart clenched slightly at the bite in his words. Looking down at my hands I tightly gripped the mug while desperately trying to remember what I had wanted to say to him.

"Wooyoung oppa... you know you mean the world to me... but I'm no longer a child. I need to be on my own and figure out my own path. I can't stay here and wonder "What if?" the rest of my life. Please try to understand that..."

"You don't know what you're talking about. You are a child. My little sister doesn't need to be chasing hopeless dreams. You should be home and helping me with the restaura-"

"You don't need me there! There are plenty of employees and besides, Seyoung unnie is with you! I know you've felt responsible for me ever since mom and dad died but I need to live my life. I can't do that here when I want to be doing bigger things with my life. Please let me find my own way."

Cold eyes glared at me as I sat there, biting back tears. These eyes used to always look at me with tenderness but those days seemed ages ago. Countless fights and my leaving town taking it away. He silently stood up and turned to place his hands onto the kitchen counter.

"Nari-ah... why have you always been so stubborn?"

"I get it from my oppa" I softly said with a small, bitter smile adorning my face. He let out an exasperated chuckle and slowly turned around.

"I need to get to the restaurant. We'll talk more when I get back..."

I quietly nodded and watched as he walked out the door.

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