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"Noona.. you know you should pay more attention to the professor..."

I jumped slightly at the voice and looked behind me to see one of my classmates, Seokmin, smirking at me. I playfully stuck my tongue out at him before looking back towards the front. Finding myself still unable to absorb the professor's words I softly sighed. My mind continued to stray to the thoughts of a certain boy I had spent time with the day before.

"Alright class, please make sure to find a partner for your project! You will be picking an older song and re-arranging it to make it more current. The syllabus has been uploaded online. I expect nothing less than perfection from all of you. Class dismissed."

I gathered my supplies into my book bag and looked around to see who I should work with for my class project. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned to face an overly enthusiastic looking Seokmin.

"Noona do you want to pair up with me?" Seokmin asked, a hopeful smile on his face. Seokmin was one of the few people in my class that I actually thought was absolutely talented. He had an amazing voice and I envied him for it.

"Of course, I'd love to," I replied.

"Cool! We can work at my dorm if you want? We have a private studio there that one of my hyungs has. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Are you free today?" Seokmin asked, bouncing on his feet. His excitement was slightly contagious and I found myself slowly getting excited too.

"That sounds great! I actually am free. This was my last class for the day," I replied as we walked out of the auditorium. He nodded and held his arm out to me.

"Alright then! Shall I lead the way?" he asked, beaming. I chuckled and hooked arms with him as we walked to his dorm. As we walked to his place we chatted about what kind of song we should re-arrange for our project. We soon reached his dorm and I could hear several voices talking when we entered.

"I'm home! I hope you're all decent! We have a guest!" Seokmin called out as we took off our shoes at the door. I heard muttering and some scrambling as we headed towards the living room.

"Nari noona?"

My head snapped up at the familiar voice and saw a surprised Mingyu sitting on the sofa. Seokmin looked back and forth between the two of us in confusion.

"How do you two know each other?" he asked. Mingyu's shocked face soon morphed into a mischievous one at the question.

"Oh, we met yesterday at the cafe. Hey noona, want to see something cool? Open the door to your left!" Mingyu said, his grin creeping me out.

"Why are you telling her to go to-"

"Quiet Seokmin! Please noona?" Mingyu asked, waving his hand dismissively at Seokmin. I frowned slightly but curiosity got the better of me and I went the door on my left. Slowly opening the door that Mingyu told me about, I was greeted with the sound of a piano playing. I froze as I saw the familiar silhouette of the boy I had been thinking of all day. The boy stopped playing and sighed in frustration.

"Mingyu how many times have I told you not to interrupt me when I'm working?" Jihoon growled, rubbing his temples. I leaned against the doorframe and giggled in amusement.

"Hello oppa."

Jihoon's head turned so quick I thought he might get whiplash.

"Nari? W-what're you doing here?"

"She's working on a project with me! Can we please borrow your studio hyung?" Seokmin chirped peeking his head over my shoulder.

"You two have a class together?" Jihoon asked, confusion still evident on his face. I nodded and his eyes landed on Seokmin.

"Oh... okay... Will you two be needing the whole studio or do you just need something specific?"

"We're going to be re-arranging a song so right now we currently need the computer. We might need the keyboard later on though," Seokim responded. Jihoon gathered his things and cleared the space for us. Seokmin sat down in one of the chairs by the computer and gestured for me to come sit by him. As I took a seat next to him, I felt a pair of eyes on me and I looked back to see Jihoon watching us. I gave him a wink and he smiled back at me before going back to his keyboard.

"Noona... how do you know Jihoon hyung?"

I turned to see Seokmin clicking away on the computer but he was glancing at me from the corner of his eye. I thought about how to answer the question since I wasn't really sure how to answer it.

"He frequents the music store I work in," I finally decided to say. Seokmin nodded slowly before turning to look at me.

"Are you the girl he went on a date with yesterday?"

My face flushed red at the question and I looked to see if Jihoon was listening to our conversation. He thankfully wasn't as he was playing the keyboard with his headphones on.

"I was with Jihoon... but it wasn't a date..." I mumbled, playing with my pencil. Seokmin frowned slightly at my comment.

"Are you sure? Mingyu said that hyung had gone on a date... that he paid for you and everything."

"He wouldn't let me pay even when I tried to..." I whined, pouting in my chair. Seokmin chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"My noona is so cute..."

I smiled fondly at Seokmin and playfully slapped his hand away.

"Yah! Are we working or not? Come on, let's get started," I said, turning to the computer. He sighed and listened to me like the good dongsaeng that he was.

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