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"Nari-ah! Have you heard back from that one company yet?"

"Yeah... they told me to come back after I get some more experience..." I mumbled, laying my head on the counter. Yoonmi gave me a reassuring smile and rubbed my back.

"Don't worry Nari! You'll find a company that will realize how talented you are! Fighting!" she cheered, pumping her fist up into the air. I chuckled lightly at her actions and nodded my head in acknowledgment.

"Fighting," I half-heartedly responding, mimicking her action. She gave me another smile before heading to the front of the store to reorganize the displays in the windows. The door chimed and I heard Yoonmi greet a new customer.

"Hello! Welcome to K-Poppin' Beats!"

Looking up from the cash register, I saw a somewhat familiar looking boy walking to the back of the store. I studied his back as he looked over our selections of guitars when I heard scurrying feet and felt a hand clutching onto my right arm.

"Nari-ah! It's that guy from last week! The one you fell in love with that was playing guitar!" Yoonmi quietly squealed. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as I slapped her hand away from my arm.

"Will you chill out?! I did no such thing!" I hissed. She smirked at me and I was going to continue to tell her off when a familiar tune overtook my ears. The same tune that I had been humming for the last week. My gaze snapped back to the boy as he continued strumming away, oblivious to the two girls watching him from the front of the store. Somehow I managed to tear my eyes away from his strumming fingers and rested them on his face. My heartbeat skipped a beat when I realized that Yoonmi wasn't kidding when she said the guitar player was cute. His light brown hair peeked out from underneath a beanie and he had a slight smile on his pale face as he strummed the guitar. I couldn't help but smile too as I continued to watch him play the guitar in his own little world. His eyes suddenly opened and I found myself staring into shocked eyes as he noticed me watching him. The melody that I was so enamored with abruptly stopped and the boy seemed slightly flustered upon realizing he had an audience. After a moment of hesitation, he opened his mouth but was interrupted by his phone before he could get a word out. Muttering softly into his phone he quickly put the guitar back into its proper place. He took a quick glance at me, threw me a small smile, and rushed out of the store with a slight dusting of pink on his cheeks.

"Damn Nari. You scared the boy off with all those hearts you're shooting from your eyes," Yoonmi laughed, nudging me. I felt my face turn red and I gave her a light shove.

"Shut up unnie..." I muttered. She grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Finally noticed how cute he was huh?" she asked. I groaned walked away as she laughed at my retreating back. Once I was out of her sight, I let out a soft sigh and smiled to myself.

Hopefully he comes back soon... I really want to keep listening to him play...

Chords to My Heart... | WooziWhere stories live. Discover now