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My lower lip felt bruised as I continually chewed on it. The cafe that Jihoon had asked me to meet him at was a couple blocks away from the music store and the amount of emotions running through my body was slightly overwhelming. One one hand I was excited to see the cute musician again but on the other I was scared that I would end up saying or doing something that would make me look stupid. Upon reaching the small cafe, I glanced inside to see Jihoon sitting at a table in the back corner, playing on his phone. His head snapped up as the door's chime alerted him that someone had entered and his face lit up as he spotted me.

"Nari-ssi! Over here!"

I made my way over to him and sat in the seat across from him. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but return the smile.

"I'm really glad you agreed to meet with me," he softly said. I looked down at my clasped hands and nodded quietly.

"Hey Jihoon hyung! Would you two like to order anything? We just had some apple turnovers come out of the oven!"

I glanced up at the waiter that just came to our table before doing a double take. My eyes widened slightly at how handsome the boy was with his slicked back hair and tall, lean figure. After my initial shock of seeing him I realized the waiter seemed very familiar. I stared at him for a moment before quickly ducking my head back down as I recognized the boy as one of Jihoon's friends from the other day that had teased us. I noticed Jihoon frowning slightly.

"Hey Mingyu... This is Nari-ssi. Nari-ssi, this is one of my best friends, Mingyu. He works here," Jihoon said, waving his hand back and forth between us as he introduced us to each other.

"Hello Mingyu-ssi. It's a pleasure to meet you," I softly said.

"The pleasure is mine. So what can I get you two?" Mingyu asked, a large grin on his face.

"I think I'll take my usual black tea with honey and lemon. An apple turnover sounds good too. Nari-ssi, would you like to share one with me?"

My heart skipped at the question and I nervously glanced up to see Mingyu looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Um... s-sure. C-can I also get a cup of green tea?" I stuttered, unable to meet eyes with anyone anymore.

"Anything for Jihoon hyung and his pretty friend!" Mingyu said, giving me a wink. He quickly wrote down our order and walked away to fill it. A silence soon fell between the both of us as we sat there, unsure of what to say to each other as we waited for our order. Jihoon looked slightly upset as his face was devoid of a smile and he seemed to be annoyed with something.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, no longer able to handle the the silence any longer and worried I had done something to upset Jihoon. The small frown on his face disappeared and was replaced with an apologetic smile.

"No. you didn't do anything wrong Nari-ssi. I'm sorry if I made you think that way," he softly said, playing with his fingers.

"So... how long have you been writing your own music?" I asked, hoping to move past whatever bump they had just encountered. Jihoon's face immediately lit up at the mention of music.

"I've actually been trained classically since I was really young. Besides the guitar I know how to play guitar, drums, and clarinet. I only started composing my own pieces a couple years ago. Music is one of the most beautiful languages in my opinion. You don't need to know the technicalities behind it. Just listen to it, let the music take over, and let it speak for itself."

Leaning forward, I felt mesmerized as I listened to Jihoon speak. It was amazing how he was able to romanticize music so easily and I couldn't help but admire how happy he looked while talking about something he was so passionate about. The spell was broken however as our order arrived and I noticed an extra sweet being placed down onto the table.

"Here's your order! I added an extra cookie for the pretty lady. Don't tell anyone," Mingyu said, whispering the last part and sending me a wink. I looked down at the sweets in shock and my eyes lit up at the tasty looking treats.

"Oh my gosh Mingyu-ssi! These look amazing! Thank you!" I gushed, beaming up at him. He smiled, gave me a small bow, and walked away.

"That was so nice of him!" I said, smiling happily at Jihoon. My smile faltered a little as I noticed him frowning once more. I tilted my head in confusion but he just gave me a tight lipped smile as he nodded at our food.

"Dig in."

My smile returned full blast and I split the cookie in two, holding out half of it to him. His eyes softened and he reached over the table to take it. My hand tingled as I felt his fingers brush against mine and I quickly retracted my hand after he took his half. Stuffing my half into my mouth, I quietly started chewing to try and distract myself from the feelings that suddenly erupted from the small skinship. I froze after a couple chews and sharply looked up at a confused Jihoon.

"This ish amashing!" I exclaimed, my cheeks puffed out from the cookie. Jihoon looked at me in shock before his lips curved up at the ends.


I felt all the blood in my body rush to my face at the whispered word which I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to hear and covered my face in embarrassment. Peeking through my fingers, he chuckled in amusement and bit into his cookie.

"You're right, it's really good," he said after finishing his bite. He took another bite and leaned on the table towards me.

"So you mentioned that you majored in music to your coworker. Tell me about it," he urged.

"I specialize in lyrics and composition," I shyly responded.

"Really?! That's awesome" he exclaimed, looking excited.

"Yes but I've never been able to write anything even close to how amazing your song is," I said, smiling sadly down at my drink.

"I'm sure your songs are amazing! Can I listen sometime?" he eagerly asked. I was about to say no from embarrassment when I saw the hopeful look on his face. He looked so genuinely interested to hearing my music that I couldn't say no.

"I suppose so..."

"Great! Next time we meet you can show me!"

I felt my heart flutter at his words and shyly smiled at him.

Next time... I like the sound of that...

Chords to My Heart... | WooziWhere stories live. Discover now