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The store was quiet as I drummed my fingers on the counter, watching the few customers peruse the shelves of merchandise. Yoonmi was helping a few check out at the register so I grabbed a dust cloth as I headed to the back of the store. I reached the guitars on display and began to carefully clean the instruments from any dust and fingerprint markings. I softly hummed to myself as I did my job and soon came to stand in front of a familiar guitar. Smiling to myself, I picked it up and sat down with it in my lap. Lightly running my fingers over the smooth wood I let out a soft sigh. My humming continued and I hesitantly plucked at the strings as I attempted to play the chords by ear. After a few tweaks, the corners of my lips turned upwards as I managed to find the right chords and slowly began to play the familiar tune.

"I'm surprised you were able to learn that after only hearing it a few times."

I jumped as I looked up to see a pair of twinkling eyes. Sighing, I rolled my eyes and placed the guitar back into its stand.

"I'm a music major Yoonmi. I can learn and play by ear. It was part of my training," I responded, letting my fingers linger on the guitar.

"Well I am definitely impressed Nari-ah. And it looks like I'm not the only one," Yoonmi said, her voice seeming to get further from me. I looked back at her to ask her what she meant when I ended up face to face with another face.

"Hello Nari-ssi."


Chocolate brown eyes curiously scanned over my face and his lips curved upwards in a small smirk. The sound of my pounding heartbeat was the only thing I could hear as my face suddenly burned at the thought that he heard me playing the song I always heard him play. An instant later I felt a cold chill rush over my body as I began to panic at the thought that he might not want me to play the song.

"I'm so sorry I was playing that song. It's just been stuck in my head and I wanted to hear it being played on a guitar again! Please don't get mad..." I pleaded, my hands twisting together nervously. My rambling was halted by a soft chuckle and Jihoon's eye smile.

"It's okay Nari-ssi. I actually find it very flattering that you played it and I'm definitely impressed like your coworker said," Jihoon replied, "Not many people can learn by ear so easily. It's a trait that I greatly admire. I hope to hear you play more one day if you were able to play a song I wrote that easily."

"You wrote that?" I gasped, staring at him in awe when he mentioned that he had written the song himself. He nodded and picked the guitar back up to play a few chords.

"It isn't complete yet though since I haven't been able to find the right lyrics to go with it. I guess I just need to find my muse," he softly said, looking me in the eye. I felt my heart skip a beat and quickly looked away, afraid at that he would see that my face had once again turned red. I was going to really need to work on not blushing so much around him.

"It's beautiful... I wish I could write something as beautiful as you can," I shyly said, smiling up at him. He thanked me, smiled at my compliment, and carefully put the guitar back down.

"Would... would you like to hang out after you finish working?" he asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. Biting my lip I quietly nodded, holding back a squeal from escaping from my lips. His eye smile took over his face and he pulled out his phone.

"Here, put your number in. Give me a call when you finish and I'll tell you where to meet me okay?" he asked, almost bouncing on his toes. I giggled at how excited he seemed and quickly put my number into his cell.

"Nari-ah! Can you please help me!"

I looked up to the front to see Yoonmi with a long line in front of her and I gave Jihoon a small smile.

"Sorry I have you go. I'll see you after work though okay? My shift ends in about two hours."

"That's fine Nari-ssi! I'll see you soon!" he said, waving goodbye as he walked out of the store. I felt my cheeks hurting a little from so much smiling and felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Pulling it out I saw that Jihoon had sent me a short text.

[Unknown Number]: Nari-ssi! It's Jihoon! Hopefully you didn't give me a fake number. I will be waiting for your call after work!

My smile broadened and I shot him back a text reassuring him that it was me and that I would call him after work. I happily sighed as I walked to the front to save Yoonmi from the growing line of customers.

Chords to My Heart... | WooziWhere stories live. Discover now