Pressing Play

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~Present time~

"Nari-ah... are you okay..?"

I shook my head no and curled up even more. A warm hand rubbed circles onto my back as I let out another shaky sob.

"Nari-ah... you can't hide in your dorm forever..."

"Yoonmi unnie... I just don't want anyone to see me like this..." I softly said. My blanket was pulled up over my shoulders and I snuggled deeper into into my bed. A soft knock was suddenly heard and I heard Yoonmi get up to answer it. Soft voices could be heard before she closed the door and came back to my bedside.

"Nari-ah... Jihoon is outside. He wants to speak to you."

"Tell him to go away..."

"You can't keep doing this to yourself Nari..."

"I'm not ready... please tell him to go away..."

Yoonmi sighed before going to relay the message to the boy standing in the hall. It had been a week since I broke things off and every day Jihoon had been coming to try to talk to me. Seokmin and Chan had stopped by as well but the only one that I had allowed in was Yoonmi.

"I need to go into work. When will you be coming back?"

"I'll come in tomorrow. Thank you for covering for me this week..."

"No problem. Call me if you need anything."

She quietly left me in the dark room and I rolled over in my bed, trying to find a more comfortable position. My eyes were about to flutter closed when I noticed a small box on my bedside table. Sitting up, I picked it up to examine it. Slowly opening it, my eyes softened slightly as I found a necklace inside with a music note pendant. I stared at it in wonder, trying to figure out where it came from. Turning the box around in my hands, I saw a USB flash drive tucked into the side and pulled it out. Biting my lip, I questioned whether I should look to see what was on the drive. My gut was telling me that Jihoon had given this to me and I was unsure if I was ready for whatever it was that he had put onto this flash drive. My heart ached when I thought of the music composer. Quietly, I pulled out my laptop and plugged in the flash drive. Upon opening it, I found a sound file and after a moment of hesitation, I pressed play. The aching in my chest worsened as I heard the one voice I missed most.

"Nari ah... I know you don't want to hear from me.. But I know you're hurting and I can't help but want to try and bring that beautiful smile to your face... So I recorded this song for you... It's the song that you first heard me ever play... It still doesn't have words, but I hope it will help ease your heart..."

I curled up once more in bed as I let Jihoon's song play.

I miss you Jihoon...

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