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We were sitting in the living room, none of us saying a word. Wooyoung wasn't too happy upon finding out that his dongsaeng had found herself a boyfriend. I wrung my hands in my lap, unsure of how to break the tension that was slowly becoming suffocating.

"Wooyoung, she's old enough to be making her own decisions. Stop making things hard on her," Seyoung softly pleaded, placing her hand on his. He sighed and gave me another calculating look.

"Is this really something you're serious about? Going to school for music?"

"Yes oppa... I wouldn't have left if I didn't think it was the path for me."

"How are you doing in your classes?"

"Really well. I'm one of the top students in my classes," I replied, tugging lightly at the hem of my sweater.

"This boyfriend of yours, I'm assuming you met him at school?"

"No... we met at the music store that I work at... but he does go to the same school as me. He's really talented and nice. You'd like him oppa..."

He sighed and rubbed his temples. My heart dropped, expecting the same harsh words that he has said since I first voiced my decision.

"Fine. You have two years. If you finish two years and still don't get an internship or a job in the music industry by then, you will come home. I won't say anything about your little boyfriend, but you must introduce him to me eventually so I know if he's good enough for you. Understood?"

My jaw dropped at his words. It wasn't exactly what I wanted but it was a chance. Leaping out of my seat, I threw my arms around him, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Thank you oppa..." I happily cried. He gave a low chuckle before wrapping his arms around me.

"Don't let me regret this..."

"I won't..."

Chords to My Heart... | WooziWhere stories live. Discover now