Stay away from me...

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"Are... are you okay...?"

"I'm fine," I bit out as I quickly stood up. Sighing in frustration, I gathered my book bag and attempted to leave but was stopped by a hand on my wrist.

"Hey... I'm really sorry..."

"Let go of me..."

"Please just give me a mome-"

"Let go Seungkwan," I shouted, yanking my arm from his grasp. I heard footsteps round the corner and Seokmin came into view.

"There you are... and Seungkwan..."

I rolled my eyes and started to walk off but once again I felt a hand on my wrist.

"Seungkwan I thought I told you to let go!" I groaned, trying to pull free but his grip only tightened.

"No. You need to listen to me."

"There's nothing I want to hear from you except goodbye," I retorted, still trying to break free. My frown deepened as he refused to let go of my arm and kept insisting to be heard out. The familiar sting of hot tears quickly began to well up in my eyes as I was once again being forced to talk to someone I had been desperately been trying to avoid. I was about to yell at him to leave me alone once more when suddenly I winced in pain and cried out as Seungkwan's hand twisted my arm a little too tightly.

"Ow! Let go!"

"Seungkwan you're hurting her! Let go!"

"No she needs to know about Jihoon!" Seungkwan shouted, the vice like grip on my arm unrelenting. He yanked on my arm as I desperately tried to step away from him. Seokmin frantically ran over and began pulled at Seungkwan's fingers, trying to get him to release me.

"Seokmin already told me! Now please let go!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face now as the pain from my arm intensified with all the tugging.

"Yah! Boo Seungkwan! Let go of her!" Seokmin yelled, finally prying him off of me. I fell to the ground and cradled my throbbing arm. It was quickly changing from its natural pale hue to greens and purples. Tears fell onto my throbbing arm and I looked up to glare at two shocked boys.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Seokmin shouted at the other boy before crouching down to check on my arm. I winced as he experimentally touched my quickly forming bruises.

"I-I didn't mean to..."

"Oh my god... Noona let's get you to the infirmary. We need to get it checked on," he gently said, wrapping an arm around me.

"I'm so sorry noona..." Seungkwan said, reaching out towards me. I flinched and a soft whimper left my lips as I leaned into Seokmin. Seungkwan's face fell and he quickly retracted his arm, shame flooding his boyish features.

"S-Stay away from me..."

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