Who was it?

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"Ow! Stop poking it!"

"Be quiet girl. I need to see how bad the damage is," the nurse snapped. I winced as she turned my arm over once more to examine it again. My pale skin had turned a nasty shade of dark purple and was swollen to the point where it was almost twice it's original size. She sighed and gently lowered it.

"Your wrist is definitely sprained. It will take a couple of weeks to heal so you need to take it easy. The bruising on your forearm is pretty severe as well so you need ice it and apply ointment to help the inflammation and discoloration reduce. How on earth did this happen though? These bruises faintly resemble handprints. Was someone harming you?"

"N-No... nothing like that.."

"If someone is harming you then we need to report it. We don't tolerate that kind of behavior on this campus," she softly said, wrapping my arm and placing it into a sling. I quietly shook my head no.

"Really, nothing like that happened. Thank you for taking care of me. I'll be sure to follow your instructions..." I murmured, bowing to her slightly as I stood to leave. She silently nodded her head and watched me as I walked out the door.


I stopped as I spotted Seokmin standing outside the door, concern written all over his face. He wrung his hands nervously and glanced down to my injured arm.

"Are... is your arm okay..?"

"It's sprained..." I softly responded. His face crumpled into a look of frustration and he began pulling at his hair.

"That idiot... I'm so sorry noona! I should've stepped in sooner. Never would I have thought he would step so far over the line like that," he fumed, fury and guilt bubbling out of him. I walked over to him before wrapping my good arm around his waist. The young boy froze as I leaned on his chest and I could hear his breathing hitch in shock.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong. Thank you for stopping him. It could have been much worse if you hadn't been there," I whispered, tears appearing in my eyes once again. His arms hesitantly wrapped around my waist and gently squeezed. After a moment we parted and despite my words, I could clearly see that he was still distraught.

"I really am sorry noona... oh my god... Jihoon hyung's going to kill me if he sees you like this..."

"Sees her like what?"

My blood ran cold at the new voice and I could see that Seokmin had turned deathly pale as he saw who was behind me. Slowly, I turned around and faced a frowning Jihoon. His eyes carefully scanned my face before narrowing them at the sight of my slinged arm. Fire seemed to ignite behind his dark orbs at my injured arm and his eyes quickly found their way onto a petrified Seokmin.

"Seokmin... what the fuck did you do to my girlfriend?"

"W-what?! I didn't do anything hyung!"

"Nari did this kid hurt you?!" Jihoon snapped, eyes blazing as he stalked over towards the cowering boy. My jaw dropped at his accusations and I quickly rushed to his side, hoping to calm him down. Clinging to his arm with my one good arm I attempted to pull him away from our friend.

"Jihoon, he didn't do anything! I swear! It wasn't Seokmin!"

Jihoon stopped at my words and soon averted his eyes to settle on me, his face still stony.

"Who was it? If it wasn't Seokmin who was it?!" he asked, the ice in his tone scaring me. My eyes desperately looked between Jihoon and Seokmin as I didn't know how to tell him that one of his friends had hurt me.

"N-no one hurt me Oppa! I j-just... fell?" I lamely stuttered. He stared at me, seeming to be searching for something before his face hardened even more.

"You're lying."

"Oppa I swear! Seokmin never laid a hand on me! Seokmin was the one who stopped him!"

"Stopped who?"

My eyes widened as I realized my mistake.

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