Spiders and Borrowers (Mat and Nate+Mark)

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Man I hate spiders! Creeping through one of the many tunnels that winded through the house's walls was a borrower. And Nate hated spiders. Any creepy crawlies were disturbing, especially at his size. But spiders were just horrifying! They had so many eyes and legs, and they could jump on a borrower and wrap their legs around them. And once that happened, well... you were toast dude. Gone.

Nate climbed up a row of nails that served as stairs, and he entered another tunnel before he walked up to a familiar door. It was made of twigs and dried grass, but it was sturdy, Nate knew that. He pulled a stick out of its place, and the door opened. He walked in and fixed the door behind them, and as he turned a familiar man came out to meet him.

"Hey." Mark yawned and waved. "Where have you been? It's not borrowing time yet."

"Just thought I'd see what the humans are up to." Nate put his hands in his pockets and bit his lip. In truth, he'd been hoping to hear one of Mat's newest theories, but he had been disappointed. "There's a spider infestation in the theor- erm, uh, in the humans' closet," he informed. Mark frowned.

"That's not good." He looked behind him at one of the tunnels that served as a hallway. "We'll have to be extra careful. Their webs are sticky and make the perfect traps for us: Borrowers made good snacks for spiders." Nate shivered. He knew how hard Mark's life had been before moving here. His cousin had once lived in a street alley with his girlfriend Amy. There were all kinds of dangers outside of a house, and Nate was still impressed by how cunning Mark was. He was wise, cautious, and he always kept his head no matter what happened.

I wish I could be like him, Nate thought grumpily as Mark left to go check on Amy. He was nothing like his cousin; if anything, Nate was Mark's opposite. While Mark was strong, tan and brave, Nate was scrawny and pale, and he was one of the most jumpy borrowers ever to exist. He couldn't help but look up to Mark, he was everything that Nate wished he could be.

"Morning Nathan!" Nate looked to see a green haired Irish borrower in the other tunnel, and he smiled.

"Hey Jack." He tilted his head and tried to look behind him. "How's Signe?" Jack's friendly smile fell.

"Oh... well, she's doing better," he mumbled. "But she still can't walk. She doesn't even have the strength to get out of bed, actually. I'm really worried about her..." then he swallowed and forced a small smile. "It's almost borrowing time though. Maybe you could get some medicine for her?" He asked hopefully. Nate blinked.

"Me?" He squeaked. "Why not Mark? I mean, he's more capable..."

"Don't say that!" Jack gently exclaimed. "You both have very unique talents, your own gifts and abilities." Nate let his head hang a little.

"Sure," he muttered. But wonder still made his hopes rise. Could he prove it to himself if he got Signe some medicine? Nate knew his friends were supportive and welcoming, but he still struggled with his own doubts. What did he even contribute to their safety? He had made dumb mistakes in the past, and Mark was always the one who had to clean them up and cover his cousin's tracks. Hell, if it wasn't For Mark, Nate knew that the humans would have discovered them. Or he would have been captured; or killed; or eaten... as good as dead, in other words.

Nate lifted his head and squared his shoulders, looking Jack square in the eye. "I'll do my best though!" He told him. Jack's eyes lit up with hope.

"Thanks Nate!" Mark walked back in the room with a young blonde woman beside him.

"Hey Jack!" The two borrowers greeted each other. Amy walked over to Nate.

"Are you going out there with Mark?" She murmured.

G/T YouTubers (One Shots and More)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora