I'm back...

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Aaron's P.O.V.

No... It can't... Aphmau... She's.. alive... I litturally started crying. She was the same Aph I knew those years ago, just.. had werewolf ears and tail... I still loved her...

"Aph... You... You're alive..." I smiled, my heart ready to burst because of joy. Tears rolled down my cheeks, tears of joy. "I was never dead..." She smiled brightly and ran to me.

I opened my arms wide, as she crashed into my chest, hugging me so tight that I barely could breathe. I hugged her back and my eyes calmed down. Finally... I'm here with her...

"I'm... Finally back with you..." She sniffed. I snuggled my nose into Aphmau's hair, her purple werewolf ears tickled my face. "I need to tell you so much." I whispered to Aph.

"I need to tell a lot too." She cried in happiness. I pulled my head away and noticed she had a scratch on her ear. I have been in many battles but I never got my ears scratched.

"Who did this to you?" I ask out the scratch. I know she isn't a pure-blooded werewolf, but I know she can use her ears and tail. "Heh... This is what I want to talk about..." She answered nervously.

"Okay then, follow me to my room." I replied calmly, but inside I was raging. I couldn't bare if someone injured her. Human to Demon I will not let anyone touch MY Aphmau.

I walked into my room, opening the, not heavy, dark oak doors. I sat on the bed, Aph sat next to me. "Soo! Tell me what happened while I was gone?!" She exclaimed.

"Well... Blaze and Dottie had a kid by tge name of Ash." I explain, but before I can say anything else Aphmau shouts, "OH!! I need to see him!! Is he adorable?!?".

"He is now with Leona. Second, I was crowned King. Third, My parents got back together." I smiled, taking off my hood, almost ripping off my ears.

She bowed down and said, "Your Majesty.". She look up at me, as I wrap my arms around her and pull her onto my lap. She looks a bit startled, but relaxed and snuggled into my chest.

"D-Do you want to t-turn back i-into a human?" I asked Aphmau that risky question. "Yes!" She exclained with excitement. "But it will hurt..." I answered her.

"I know it will hurt, but I hope it won't hurt as much." She saddened. "Are you ready?" I asjed exposing my fangs. "Go!" She straightened her arm infront of my face.

I gently bit into her arm and let go. She dropped onto my bed and hugged my waist tight. "AAHHHH!!" She yelled in pain. I layed next to Aph brushing her hair, trying to calm her down.

Though she yelling, her breathing was rapid, as was her heart beat. Then her werewolf ears and tail glowed red and with a bright red spark, disappeared.

She flinched, opened her eyes a little and said, "I'm back...". I hugged her gently, not to crush her little body.

"Now, Aph, who have hurt you?" I ask, she shivers. Aphmau rolls up the sleeves of her sweater and shows me a huge scar running up her forearm.

"Who did this to you?!?" I angered. "I knew you would be angry..." She whispered. "Who did that?!" I shouted and she started to cry a little. My eyes widdened in the understanding of what I did.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to! I am worried as all..." I explained myself. She hugged ne tight, not wanting to let go for one moment. "It's fine, I know you are worried about my safety..." She smiled, gently.

"I'm.. So SO sorry Aphmau... I don't want you to get hurt anymore.. never..." I answer Aph, hugging her back. "I don't want to live through this again.." She cried.

"Please.. don't cry... I can't stand it.." I said, nuzzling into her hair. "I don't want it again, Aaron!" She cried, snuggling into my chest.

"It'll be alright...." I reply with a smile. She looks up at me and kisses me. As we pull apart I could see the red blush resonate on her cheeks.

"I love you..." I mumble, barely audible. "I know you love me, and I love you too..." She whispered. Aph fell asleep in my arms while I was still awake.

If anything happens to her, I would kill anyone that hurt her. I will protect her with my life. I will be there like she was for me. I'm never letting her leave me again. She will be with me...

"I love you, so much..."


HEH! Well, long time no see! Sorry for not posting so looong. I just didn't have the proper inspiration. I'm Sworry
Best wishes Mist!

 I'm SworryAnyways Best wishes Mist!

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