I'll finish this off

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Aaron's P.O.V.

Ein is still somewhere around. Plus, I can't walk around as a werewolf because Melissa will freak out.

I sended Blaze, Rylan and Yip to find the human Ein. I made Leona stay with Dottie and June, although she wanted to go to find that brat.

I saw Aphmau lost in the forest, again. "Aphmau!" I shouted to her. Aph turned my way and smiled. "Good that you are here! I thought I will be lost here for hours!!" She complained.

"Hey, if you will be lost, I will be there lost with you!" I answered her. She blushed. I felt my eyes fill a bright red, so I turned around so she won't look into them.

"Aaron? Is everything okay?" Aphmau worried. "No, it's nothing.... Just... my eyes..." I replied. "What's with them?" Aph asked, "Let me look!".

She tried to look at my face but I just turned away. "Aaron!" She shout, "Let me look!". "No!" I responded, "I... I will t-turn you...".

"I want to take care of you, but you don't let me?! Stop it!" Aphmau yell, dragging me down to the ground. "I-I don't..... I don't w-want t-to turn you..." I said, tearing up.

"Aaron, look at me." She turned my head to her, as I shutted my eyes tight so she can't look into them. "Open your eyes." She said soothing.

"If I do... I-I will turn y-you into a w-werewolf..." I whispered, my eyes still didn't calm down. Then the unbelievable happened.... she k-i-s-s-e-d me....

I melted into the kiss. She pulled way. "Did that convince you to open your eyes?" I asked, softly. I shook my head.

"Hahah... How funny? Two lovers... alone... in the forest.... will meet death. Kinda like 'Romeo and Juliet' don't you think?" A sly voice said. I remember that voice. Ein.

I turned around to that brat standing, though he is a human, he is still as pesky as ever. Two shadows came along side him.

I opened my eyes, stood up and unsheathed my sword. "Run." I commanded to Aph. "Oh, that girl is not going anywhere with you..." Ein said, smirking.

Aph ran away, at least she will get out alive. The shadows came out of the dark. It was those weird guys the tied Aphmau in the woods.

The Blonde charged at me.

??? P.O.V.

This place is calm. All those smell are new but some seem familiar. A girl was running through the streets. I came to her asking, "May I ask, what is this place?".

The girl turned to me, even though she was crying, she answered, "This is Phoenix Drop, Sir".

The girl had black hair and caramel eyes. Then she ran away. Her smell seemed familiar but I never seen her.

She ran from the forest. Huh? What happened there, that a girl ran with tears? I went it the forest.

I went by the smell of the girl. It lead deep into the woods. I heard something glass crash against the hard ground.

A smell of a shadow knight came to me. Also there was a calming and VERY familiar scent. I followed the scent.

I saw a human with a blue streak in it's dark hair. There were two other humans laying on the ground, wounded.

Then there was a werewolf wounded and cutted. That werewolf was determined, even though he was on verge of death. His eyes were red. Ultima red.

I came into the clearing, my black white-striped werewolf ears and tail pop up. The dark haired human jumps backwards as he saw me.

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