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Julia POV

I’m pregnant! I haven’t told anybody, only Jack and I know. We plan to tell our band and Pierce The Veil first and then everyone else on our next set. Right now I’m waiting for Jaime and the guys, to come over.

“Juliaaa.” Whined Cody for the millionth time.

“Yes, Cody.” I said, while I rolled my eyes. He’s super nice and a killer guitarist, but he whines a lot, I think more than Jamie.

“What do you and Jack have to tell us.” He said.

“I told you, we have to wait till Jack and the-” I was cut off by the door opening, with the guys coming in. “Ok then since there here-“  again I was cut off, but by Ash this time.

“Um, excuse me where’s Dee?” Ash said. God how can I forget my best friend. I walked to her bunk and pulled the curtains. There no one in there, just a note. I read the note, it was a goodbye letter, and how could she just get up and leave. I crumpled the paper and threw it on the ground. “What’s was that for?” Ash said very annoying.

“That? Well that’s a goodbye letter from Dee. Once again she left, because she’s confused on whom she loves.” I was seriously pissed. I talked to Dee about this and I told her if she feels confused again about anything, I was always there for her. Ash was never there for her or even knew about her anorexic problem, until our senior year, me on the other knew since freshmen year. I always tried to make her eat, but she never listened. 

“So you’re pissed at her for that.” Ash said as she folded her arms. “I always was a better friend to her. I was with her every time, while you are off with your basketball team.”

“Excuse me, Dee and I have so much more in common. I knew things before you did and yes I wasn’t always there, but that because you were in most of her classes” I said now very pissed.

“Yeah 'cause we were so much smarter then you were.”

“Excuse me?” I got closer to her. “I’m much stronger.”

“Yeah right.” I punched her right on the nose, maker her fell to the ground, because of the pain. I was about to jump on top of her, to punch her more, but Jack stopped me.

“Julia, stop! You don’t want to hurt the baby.” Jack yelled. I stopped trying to punch and calmed down in Jack’s arm. Tony was on the ground help Ash up.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU ALL SUCK, IF IT WASN’T FOR ME, YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER GOTTEN TO WERE YOU ARE!”Ash yelled at all of us. Everyone was shocked and looking at her. Ash turned to Tony. “Come on Tony.” And then she started to walk toward the door, but Tony didn’t walk with her. “Tony come on.”

“No Ash, these guys are my family and nobody should treat my family like that. We’re done.” Tony said. Ash was shocked and just stared at him before saying something again.

“Whatever, Ronnie was the best in bed, might as well stay with him.” And she walked out the door. We all stared at Tony.

“So, my little Julia is pregnant.” Tony said. I smiled and nodded.

“AHHH my baby sister’s pregnant!”  Yelled Jaime, in such a girly voice.

“God Jaime, are you gay?” I said. He looked at me.

“Excuse me I have an amazing girlfriend, thank you very much” He said, and pretended to flip invisible long hair. We all laughed and then I noticed Vic on the couch sitting down and looked down at his hands. I walked over to him and sat next to him.

“Can we talk, Julia?” Vic said without looking up at me. I nodded and we got up and walked out the bus. We walked out the venue and down the street to who knows where. There was silence for a long time, until Vic finally spoke up. “Julia, it’s my fault she left.” I stopped and stared at him. I could see he was crying, because his eyes her pink and had dried up tears stains on his cheek.

“Why, what happen?” I asked him.

 “I was in my bus, when she came over. She told me she was sorry and that she broke up with Kellin. I was mad, so I yelled at her, saying why she disappear like that if she saw and knew that I was in pain all these years.” Vic started to cry I little bit more and I was crying also. “She finally yelled at saying she was leaving. I didn’t know what to do, and know she’s gone again.” 

“Vic its okay, look Dee and I had lots of problems and we never got threw them. I cried myself to sleep whenever we got into fights. Look if you love her, set her free. If she loves you back she’ll come back. Or whatever that saying is.” He laughs and shook his head.

“You are totally like Jaime.” I smiled and then hugged him.

“Vic, I have a question.”

“Yeah, what is it?”

“I-I think I still have feelings for Benn?” I said. He looked at me, not knowing what to say.

“Julia, but your with Jack and you have Jacks baby in you.” I looked down at the ground and help my stomach.

“I know, but when he kissed me, I felt a…spark. I love Jack with all my heart since we meet, but since Benn found me, I’m just confused. All I want is for this tour to end, so we can go back home and have everything back to normal.”

“Julia, our life will never go back to normal.” He said. I signed and nodded. We turned around and headed back to the venue.

(A/N) Hey guys, this chapter is for my friend. We have stopped talking and I unfriended her. If you’re reading this mi amiga. I’m sorry, I had to unfriend you. I don’t like to be a back up friend. I’m nobody’s back up friend and nobody is my back up friend. You changed a lot this year; you’re not that girl who cared and listened to anybody who needed somebody.  I needed you lots of times, but you were to busy. Just think, who knows your secrets and tries to help you? I need you to answer that question.

Okay, my reader, I’m sorry for that. I picked my new characters. I would updated there bio’s later and will be in the story later. Right now, I’m too tired, night. But remember to…






What if I can't forget you?( Benn Suede, Crown the Empire & Pierce the Veil)Where stories live. Discover now