Goodbyes, pregnancies, and dating?

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Dee POV.

"He kissed you and whispered he loves you?" Kellin asked.

"Yeah, but what am I supposed to do now. He finds me, but I'm dating his best friend?!?!" I said. He shakes his head and there was silence for a while. He then sighs and looks at me.

"Do you love him back?" I was shocked. My head had thoughts running threw my head, just like the night Vic found me and Kellin kissing.

"I-I don't know. I'm so confused." I broke down to tears. Kellin try's to hold me, but I push him away and get up and about to walk the door. "I'm sorry Kellin, b-but we can't be together." And then I walk out the door and run to Pierce the Veil's bus. I knock in the door and waited. Vic opens the door.

"Dee" he sounded shocked

"We need to talk." I said. He nodded and leads me though the bus. As we get to the back of the bus, he stops, turns around and kisses me. I push him away and shake my head. Vic had tears in his eyes and so did I.

Dee, why?" Vic said. "I loved you and cared about you"

"Vic please. the night we broke up and I left warp. Was the worst night ever. Once getting to San Diego I cried my self to sleep. Then when I moved to San Francisco the only one who visit me, except for my friends, was Kellin. He help me out and grew feelings for him."

"Yeah but I never forgot about you. Four years of not knowing of you. Julia never told me anything and also Ash she said she lost contact of you. But it seemed that you been hide and they covered you" Vic said. "And I find you, but your dating my best friend"

"Vic you want to know something? I broke up with Kellin just right now. I came to tell you that I'm leaving. I'm sick and tired if dealing with a rockstar life and boyfriend. So go on and just leave me alone, I'm done. " I yelled and walk out the bus and toward mine. I'm leaving, I don't know where but I'm leaving. Wow, I just remember, that was the same fight that I had when I was in a coma back when I just meet Vic. Isn't that weird.

I got to my bus and lucky for me, nobody was there. I pack all my things and start to write a letter.

Dear to whom ever,

Disaster strakes my life again. I can't handle the rockstar life. I'm truly sorry. To my fan tell them, to stay strong and just hang on there, life well get better. To my band, I had so much fun with all of you guys. From started the band to getting to where we stand now. Keep up the work. To Julia, our friendship had ups and downs. But our last down, may never come back up, Im sorry. To Ash we hanged out so much and I'm truly going to miss you a lot. To Ali, girl that care of Diego for me. To the guys of Pierce the Veil, thanks for being my heroes. You guys are best and lots of fans care about you. To Vic and Kellin, I loved you both, but I'm so confused. Kellin I think you and Katelyn were perfect. Vic there are a lot of other girls out there, cause to tell you the truth I'm might not be the one. Take care all of you.



I leave the paper in my bunk and walk out the bus. I walk to the exit of the venue and walk the sidewalk, towards the nearest bus station. I'm going to miss this life.

Julia's POV

"Mamaaa" whined Jamie. She's been begging to go see A Day To Remember preform, but I can't, because I was to busy.

"JACK!" I yelled for the millionth time. Where the fuck is he? I walk over to our bunk and pull the curtains. Jack had his earphone in and was asleep. God dang it, he gonna get it. I gave his phone and raise up the volume. His eye opened up wide and he jumps up and bumps his head on the top of the bunk. I cross my arms and stomp my foot.

What if I can't forget you?( Benn Suede, Crown the Empire & Pierce the Veil)Where stories live. Discover now