Liam looks at Harry knowing he could get a response from him," My children think I'm a dickhead?" Harry looks in between the two fighting couple. He was just here for support, not to intervene.

" Well, I know DJ is not at the best terms with you right now, and Brendon isn't feeling the best, which you probably caused too." Harry says. Liam felt awful. He was ruining his kids lives. Liam looks at Niall.

" Niall, you have to let me see the kids. I want to explain myself to them." Liam says.

" First of all, you need to explain yourself to me first, and then you can explain yourself to my children. And second of all, my children don't even want to see you, that's how much you messed up." Niall says. Liam looks back at Harry.

" My kids don't want to see me?" Liam asks.

" Well, DJ was very against Niall seeing you today. DJ is very shook about this situation." Harry says. Liam has to see his kids now. There's no other choice. Liam looks at Niall again.

" Ni, you have to let me see them. They need me." Liam says.

" Explain why you cheated on me again, and then I'll see what I can do. Because we also have to talk about the new baby." Niall says. Liam lets out a sigh.

" To be honest with you Niall, there was no reason to have cheated on you. Zayn and I were talking about our problems, him about his husband, me about us arguing and having a new baby and we just ended up kissing. But I swear it didn't mean anything. It was an accident. You're the only person I care for. Well, besides our children." Liam says. Niall started to play with his fingers. Niall wanted to trust Liam, but he doesn't know if he should.

" Please believe me Niall." Liam says.

" I have to think about it." Niall says looking at his fingers.

" Am I allowed to move back in?" Liam asks.

" I told you I have to think about it." Niall says.

" Come on Ni. It'll makes things better." Liam says.

" No it won't Liam. My children don't like you at the moment. You can't shove yourself at us when we're not ready. I will tell you when you can come back, but it is not now." Niall says. After Niall stated that, it seemed like the whole shop quieted down. Liam let out a quiet breath.

" I'm sorry Niall. For what I did to you and our kids. I am a dickhead and I understand if you don't want to see me again." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" I have to see you. You're gonna come to the ultrasounds for the new baby." Niall says. Liam's face brightens up.

" You're allowing me to come to the ultrasounds?" Liam asks.

" Only because you explained yourself. But you still did an awful thing so don't get too hyped." Niall says. Liam tries his best to simmer down.

" Thanks Ni." Liam says.

" Yeah, yeah." Niall says," Do we have to talk about anything else?"

" I don't think so. I think we're done." Liam says.

Niall looks at Harry," Ready to go then?"

" Yeah, let's get going." Harry says.

" Hey Haz, can you drop me back off home because Louis dropped me off here and I don't think he knows we're done." Liam says. Niall looks back at Liam weird.

" What?" Niall asks.

" I stayed over at Harry's and Louis's place when you kicked me out. I need a ride back." Liam says. Niall looks angrily at Harry.

" How dare you lie to me about him! I thought you were my friend!" Niall says.

" I only lied to you because I didn't want you to know Liam was staying over. I didn't want to hurt you." Harry says. Harry looks at Liam," But some people are idiots." Liam gives him an apologetic look.

" Why would you let him stay with you?" Niall asks.

" I am sitting right here." Liam says. Niall looks at Liam.

" Shut up." Niall says.

" Because he's also our friend. We'd do anything for you guys, and you would do anything for us." Harry says. Niall furrows his eyebrows. Harry was right, and Niall hates when Harry is right.

" Let's just go." Niall says obviously feeling defeated. Harry looks at Liam.

" I'll drive you home, I just have to drop off Niall first." Harry says. Harry stands up from the booth, then Liam, and then Niall. Harry leads the couple to his car. Niall gets the passenger seat and Liam gets the back seat. Harry gets in his car and starts it. He pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving back to the Payne household.

" So Niall, I have a question about the baby." Liam says.

" What is it?" Niall asks. Liam starts to play with the bottom of his shirt. He was extremely nervous. He felt like Niall was pregnant with Drew again.

" Is the baby, like, okay this time?" Liam asks. Niall smiles a small smile because he felt good with the baby.

" Yeah, it's good and healthy so far." Niall says. Liam let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was glad his baby was doing okay. Liam was always excited when Niall found out he was pregnant, so every time Niall lost a baby Liam was devastated.

And with that, Harry drove home Niall and once Niall was inside, he had to tell everything to his boys. And as Niall was telling his boys what happened, he couldn't help but think highly of Liam again.

He really misses his husband and would like him back eventually.


This was such a shit chapter, I'm so sorry. I don't know what else to say for this.

I'm at summer fest in Milwaukee so I won't be starting to write a new chapter. But I'll try my best to update as soon as I can.

Thank you for reading my story. Please continue to vote and comment your opinions. Thank you again. I love you all so much.


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