Dazai x Reader (AU!) | Who Are You?

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Requested by yukikirihime2

I hope, you'll like this^^ tbh, it was quiet difficult to write XD

A/N: this is a Kimi No Na Wa AU! If you've watched it, then you'll under the plot better! If you haven't, I highly recommend to because it's amazing 😉

The soft sun rays were shining through curtains right on your face. Lazily, you opened your eyes and rolled on the other side in a try to get away from the sun.

Something was wrong. You couldn't explain this, but this morning didn't felt like a normal one. Something was off. You just felt it. But what? What was wrong? You didn't know.

You decided not to think much about it and get up finally to start getting ready for work. Once you dressed up, washed your hair and brushed your teeth, you went downstairs to have breakfast with your mom, who decided to stay with you this week because she had a couple of days off. Why not visit you, when she could?

"Good morning!" You greeted her

"Oh you're normal today!" Your mother exclaimed

"Normal?" You blinked "What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, I thought, that you were possessed! You behaved very strangely! First, you forgot how to make you hair bun and you even asked me how to make it. Second, you asked where are your bandages. I still don't know what you meant. Third, you said, that you couldn't waste time and you had a very important meeting with someone, but I forgot the name. And there were a lot of other things." She explained

"What are you talking about?! I didn't do such things!" You answered

You tried to remember yesterday's day, but... your mind was blank. You had no idea what happened. How could it be possible to forget the whole day?!

It was as if someone else was in your body on that day.


"Who are you?" Said, the note on the page if one of your notebooks at worm

You were looking blankly at the page of your notebook, completely puzzled in what was going on. This wasn't your handwriting, not even your friends' or coworkers'. So who wrote this?

You turned the page and you saw another note:

"P.S. nice body~ you're very beautiful, my Bella Donna~ will you commit double suicide with me?"

This was, when you snapped.

"What the hell is happening in my life?!"


Dazai hated mornings. Especially this morning. Once he opened his eyes, he could already feel a terrible headache.

"That's strange." He thought "I don't remember drinking any alcohol yesterday...or doing anything...wait, what happened yesterday?"

He rubbed his sore eyes and when he pulled his hands away, he noticed something on his hand.

On his right hand, right on his bandages was a note, which was definitely written by a female.

"Who are you?"

He blinked, while staring at these three words.

"Who are you?"

If it wasn't his handwriting, then who wrote this? And most important...when? Did it happen yesterday? But still, why couldn't he remember anything?

No one could possibly do this, except him.

Was there someone else, who could control this body?


"Oi, Dazai!" Kunikida shouted once the brunette entered the ADA

"What happened, Kunikida-kun?" Dazai asked as he headed to his desk

"What happened?! Do you remember what you did yesterday??!!" Kunikida shouted again

"Kunikida-kun, there's no need to scream. My head aches, anyway." Dazai answered and sat on his chair

"Oh so today, you do remember my name?!" Kunikida asked

"What?" Dazai blinked "What do you mean?"

"Shall I remind you? Yesterday, you has beaten your record of coming late and once you entered, you asked what was my name and why I called you a suicidal maniac. Then, you asked me why did you have bandages all over your body. But you know, what was the strangest thing? You didn't try to commit suicide and you didn't flirt with women throughout all day." Kunikida explained

"Don't you really remember anything, Dazai-san?" Atsushi asked

"No." Dazai answered "No such thing."

Dazai looked down at his desk and saw an opened notebook with a note on one of the pages:

"Thanks for the compliment, but I have to tell you, that you, sir, are a pervert. And no, I won't commit suicide with you because I still haven't finished some important things in my life. As to your main question, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Mind answering mine too?"


Next day

You woke up on the couch, still wearing your casual clothes. Your hair was a real mess. Seems like it wasn't brushed properly.

You took your phone and opened the front camera

"What?! Who made this with my hair?!" You said out loud

Suddenly you noticed a new message. Intrigued, you opened it.

"Hello there~!" Said the message "Please, don't be mad at what I've done with your hair. I don't know how to style woman's hair. Good thing, I found out your phone number, by the way! I don't know what's going on with us and I don't know if it's someone's ability or what, but I promise, I'll find this out. And I'm not a pervert! Oh one more thing, my Bella Donna! My name is Dazai. Dazai Osamu."


UGH I messed it up

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