Akutagawa x Reader | Italian Horror

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Requested by rockygirlly

I hope, that Akutagawa isn't out of character in this chapter. Well, he shouldn't be, I guess. I think, it's possible, that he gets gentler and softer when he's with his significant other.


Akutagawa became interested in Italian horror movies. He heard about them for the first time from Chuuya, when he was telling his subordinate about his business trip to Italy. Chuuya said, that during that trip his colleague recommended him watch one famous Italian film and Chuuya liked it very much. He recommended Akutagawa watch it and even gave him a CD.

Akutagawa liked it. No, he loved it. He didn't expect it to be that great. Watching Italian horror films in the evenings, when he was extremely tired was his favorite thing. Yes, even the Port Mafia's rabid dog has some hobbies. But there was only one "but".

You have been his girlfriend for quite a long time. You truly loved him and he truly loved you and you both loved cuddling under the blankets in cold nights, but you couldn't watch his favorite films. The reason is simple: you were afraid. You weren't a member of the Port Mafia or ADA. You were a regular girl, who was lucky to finally meet her significant other. Well, you didn't expect him to be a part of a dangerous organization, but you were totally okay with that. Akutagawa, in return, wasn't annoyed with the fact, that you were shyer and could get scared easier, than him. He actually, thought it was cute. He liked this part of you because it made him feel, that he was strong and powerful and he was your superhero. He really liked to know, that he could protect you and be good and kind in your eyes.

But he still wanted to watch his favorite film with you.


It was late at night, but not too late to go to bed. Akutagawa had a mission today and he was so tired, that when he came home, the first thing he did after having supper was went to the couch and lied on it with his face in the pillows. You saw, how exhausted he was and you understood, that the mission was extremely difficult and even made Akutagawa tired. It was unusual for him. Usually, he told you, that missions Mori gave him were too easy and not meant for him, but now he couldn't even move. You didn't like seeing him like this and wanted to do something to make him feel better.

"Ryunosuke." You called him "Is there something I can do for you?"

He turned around to face you.

"Thanks for worrying, (Y/N)." He answered softly "But you don't have to do anything. I'm just tired."

He gave you a soft smile, which was a very rare thing to see, to reassure you, that everything was fine. Suddenly, an idea of how to make your boyfriend feel better appeared in your head. Well, it wasn't the best idea you've ever had, but you really wanted to do something for him.

"We..." You began hesitantly "We can watch your favorite film, if you want."

Akutagawa's eyes widened

"Are you serious?" He asked "I thought, you were afraid of them."

"I am, but I don't mind watching them with you. "You answered

"Last time you said so, you ended up crying on my shoulder because of the monster on the screen." He said

"It won't happen again!" You exclaimed "I'm sure I'll be braver this time."

Akutagawa was about to say something else, but you interrupted him before he could say anything

"Choose the film. I'll bring some snacks." You told him and went to the kitchen


Akutagawa was lying with his head on you knees and you were playing with his hair. You tried to do everything you could to distract yourself from the film. It was scary, but you didn't want to let Akutagawa know about it. You were an adult, after all! You shouldn't be afraid of some horror films! This is what you told yourself.

A man on the TV screen was running from a killer. Luck had surely abandoned him. The killer reached him after a couple of seconds and started killing him slowly and painfully. He was torturing him. Even though, the film was quite old, this scene looked really horrifying. You couldn't help it and you got nervous again. You were so scared, that your eyes were locked on the screen and you couldn't look away.

"(Y/N)" Akutagawa called you

You didn't hear him at first

"(Y/N)" He called you again"You're gripping my hair too strongly."

His voice woke you up from the shock. You immediately let go of his hair.

"I'm sorry!" You apologized "I didn't mean to do it! I just..."

"Are you afraid?" He asked you

"N-No..." You asked, while trying not to let him know the truth

"(Y/N), I know you're lying." He said

Akutagawa got off of your knees and sat on the couch. He noticed, that you were trembling and he pulled you into the tight hug. You head was pressed to his chest and you could hear his heartbeat. He was warm and you liked the pleasant scent of his cologne. You felt safe in his strong arms and soon you started to calm down and you hugged him back.

"You had to tell me if you were scared." He told you while gently caressing your head.

"I shouldn't be scared of this." You answered "It's stupid to be afraid of a film."

"It's not stupid." He said "There are a lot of people who are afraid of horror films and that's normal. Not everyone has to like them."

"But you like them." You replied "I wanted to spend time with you by watching your favorite film."

"You had to tell me, that you were scared, anyway." He repeated "I could hug you from the very beginning and you could close your eyes, if there was something scary on the screen. You don't have to be shy, when it comes to fear. Fears are fears and if you think, that I will think you're weak, then you are absolutely wrong."

You understood what he was trying to tell you. Akutagawa had problems with saying "I love you." It was something unfamiliar to him and he wasn't used to it. He always tried to prove his love with his actions, not words. It was easier to him. Right now, he was trying to say "I will love you no matter what.", but he couldn't do it again. You smiled yourself

"I will always love you too, Akutagawa." You answered to his unsaid words

First, he looked stunned because he didn't understood what did you mean. He was about to ask you, when he finally understood the meaning of your words. He wondered for the 100th time, what did he do to deserve you?

He gently pressed his lips against you forehead and in that moment, you said

"I think I'm starting enjoying Italian horror."

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