Akutagawa x Reader | Starry Night

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Requested by rockygirlly

Well, I wanted to ask you one thing in private messages, but I didn't get a reply. I don't know wether it was you who didn't see the message or it was me who had some problems and the message wasn't sent. It doesn't matter, anyway. First, I wanted to add angst in this story, but then I remembered, that not everyone likes it and I decided to make it neutral. Well...here it is~


You and Akutagawa have been dating for a couple of months. No one knew, that the rabid dog of Port Mafia was able to be such a loving boyfriend until he met you. He changed. (Not in a bad way.) Before he met you, he always thought about himself as a villain. There was always light in him, but it was hidden. You helped him to see the light in himself. He was so thankful to you for that. He wished he could explain it to you, but every time he tried to describe his feelings, he began to stutter and the words just didn't came out of his mouth.

Every day, except weekends, when the working day was finished, Akutagawa leaded you home. He truly cared for you and he was afraid, that something could happen for you. Working in the Port Mafia was very difficult and the working day was so long, that when you were going home, the moon was already in the sky. Even though, you didn't live very far from the Mafia's base, he still didn't want to let you go home alone. So every day, Akutagawa took your hand in his and you two walked under the moonlight

And today was no exception.


"Are you ready to go, (Y/N)?" Akutagawa asked you softly

You nodded slightly before putting on your coat. Akutagawa took your hand in his and you two walked out of the Port Mafia's building.

The wind was quite cold, but you didn't mind. There was no one in the street, except for the two of you. Streets were dark. The light bulbs weren't working due to some problems on the electrical station. They weren't dark, though, thanks to the moonlight. The sky was cloudless and you could clearly see the moon and the stars.

Akutagawa's hand was warm, unlike yours cold one. He intertwined your fingers and he hold your hand tightly as if you were gonna disappear, but he was still gentle. You liked it how he always did something like it was the last time. You knew, that he was afraid of losing you so he tried to make you feel loved all the time because he didn't knew how much time was left.

"Is everything alright?" He asked you breaking the comfortable silence "You're so quiet."

"Yes, of course, I'm alright!" You replied smiling at him "I was just...thinking."

"About what? If something is bothering you, you can tell me and I'll help you!" He said

"Akutagawa, you don't have to worry about me. I'm totally alright."

You looked at the sky. You've always thought, that the stars were fascinating. When you were looking at them, you immediately forgot about all your problems and sadness. When you were looking at them, you felt like you were not alone. The sky looked so big, that it made you feel as small as a little speck of dust.

While you were looking at stars, Akutagawa was looking at you. He was looking at the reflection of stars in your eyes, at your lips, which curved into a soft smile, at your nose and cheeks, which got pink because of the cold wind. He loved the way your hair was fluttering because of the wind. He loved the feeling of your hand in his. He couldn't look at anything, but you and wonder how did he managed to get someone like you. How could he be so lucky, that his feelings were mutual?

Suddenly, a memory of one day came to Akutagawa's mind. Something clicked inside of him and he understood one thing, that you were once trying to explain him.

"(Y/N)" He spoke suddenly "Do you remember the day, when we had a day off and we went to an art gallery?"

You stopped in your tracks and looked at him.

"Of course, I remember it! How could I forget  it?!" You answered "Why are you asking this?"

"I...remembered your face, when you were looking at the "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh." He said

You got completely puzzled.

"I remember, how fascinated you were because of it." Akutagawa continued "You were amazed, but I didn't get the picture. I couldn't understand why was it called "Starry Night", when there were no stars and then, you explained, that those yellow things were stars. I said, that they didn't look like stars and you said, that Van Gogh saw stars in this way."

"Why are you speaking about it?" You asked him

Akutagawa didn't reply. Instead, he looked at the sky.

"I think..." He started hesitantly "I think, I understood, why Van Gogh drew stars in that way."

You looked at the sky again as if there was something new, that you haven't seen earlier.

"Really? Why? What helped you understand it? And why now?" You asked him

"I don't think, that he has always seen the night this way." Akutagawa said "I don't know his biography, but I do think, that he started seeing the world in such amazing colors after some event. Something had happened after what he has never looked at the world the same way as he did before. Someone changed him in a better way."

"Someone?" You asked again

"Yes. Someone." He answered "I don't think, that it was an everyday thing, that changed his view. It was definitely someone special."

"So you're saying, that he fell in love and after that, his world changed and became much more colorful and wonderful?" You asked

"Yes. This is exactly, what I was trying to say." He said

"But what helped you to understand him?" You asked him once again

Akutagawa stopped looking at stars and looked you straight in the eyes.

"I looked at the sky now and I saw the same view. When I looked you in the eyes and saw the reflection of stars, I saw his "Starry Night" right in your eyes." He said

His hand squeezed your hand slightly

"You changed me and my world became as colorful as Van Gogh's" Akutagawa said "Your love changed me and I can't explain how thankful I'm to you for that. Perhaps, Van Gogh just like me, didn't know how to explain his feelings and that's why he drew this picture. "Starry Night" is an explanation of love. I hope, that one day, I will be able to explain my feelings as well."

He turned his head towards the sky again. You were left speechless and so was him. No more words were needed. You squeezed his hand tighter and turned your head towards the sky as well.

You two were looking at the night sky in the complete silence.

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