Dazai x Reader | I'm All Yours

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Requested by pinkpastelcalesti ❤️❤️❤️ Hope, this what you wanted

A/N:So this is a continuation of the two previous Dazai x Reader x Chuuya chapters "Beach Day with ADA and Port Mafia" and if you haven't read it, I recommend you do it, although I tried to write this chapter in a way, that everyone can understand it without reading those chapters, but still.

So...what happens if you chose Dazai?


You were thinking about that day on a beach you spent with Dazai and Chuuya. That day, ADA and Port Mafia decided to forget all controversies and spent a day on a beach together. That day, you found out, that Dazai and Chuuya were both in love with you and they asked you to tell them your feelings. However, you asked them to give you a couple of days to think about it carefully and make a decision you won't regret and they, of course, agreed.

Three days have passed. You spent sleepless nights, thinking about the situation you were in. You felt, that you loved them both, but you knew, that one of them was more like a friend to you, but it was so hard to understand who it was. You feelings were tangled. They were also mixed with fear of ruining the friendship with one of them. People are so weird! We want to be loved from the bottom of our hearts, yet we suffer when we get what we desired.

Finally, you've made a decision.

You were working at the ADA. That means, you were seeing Dazai every day. You went on a missions together, you spent days together and you felt, that he was more than just a friend to you. You didn't get the same feelings when your skin accidentally touched Dazai's or when he complimented you or when you heard his laugh, when Chuuya did the same things. You just hadn't noticed that before. You had work and some personal problems and you didn't even have time to focus on what you felt. So to you, Dazai was like a savior from all these routines.

There was only one thing left: to confess to your savior


The work day at the ADA has almost come to an end. Everybody were packing their things, turning off the computers and leaving one by one. Recently, you and Dazai were sent on a mission together and you had to finish all the reports. Even Dazai (!) was doing his job. He was only doing this because he knew, that if he doesn't finish his reports, then you will have to do it and he didn't want you to overwork. He loved you and he wanted you to have a rest. (A/N: imagine Kunikida's face when he saw Dazai doing his job)

It was quite late and you two were the only people in the office. Even Fukuzawa has already left. You were almost finished, but your eyes were sore and it was a sign for you to take a small break.

"This is it." You thought "Now or never. I'll tell Dazai about my feelings. A little break won't be a bad thing, right?"

"Dazai." You called him and turned to him in your chair

He was sitting right next you so you didn't have to come to him

"Yes, Bella Donna?" He answered and also turned towards you

"I have to talk to you." You said "Seriously."

"I'm all ears." He replied

"You know, I was thinking about that day on beach a lot." You began "And I've made a decision."

Dazai's face became worried. You knew, he couldn't wait to hear your answer

"And...?" He said

"I love you." You answered

Your lips curved into one of the happiest smiled ever when you saw how Dazai's face brightened up after your reply. His eyes sparkled and in that moment he was happy. He was really happy. Dazai usually just faked his happiness to not worry others, but in that moment he was honest and he knew, that now when he had you, he won't need to fake his happiness ever again.

He took your hand in his larger ones

"Woah! I can't believe how lucky I am!" He exclaimed "This is the best day of my life! See, (Y/N)? Do you see what you do you to me? You've made me so happy just saying three simple words! Never in my entire life have I thought, that someone could have so much control over me. You are the most precious person to me in the whole world. I think I will never be able to explain what I feel!"

"Dazai, that's fine!" You replied "I understand because these feelings are mutual!"

He kissed your hand gently

"I love you so much, (Y/N)" He said quietly

"I love you too, Dazai." You answered

Still holding your hand, he leaned closer to you and kissed you. His thumbs were stroking your gentle hand, while your lips moved in perfect sync with his. Oh, how much time has he dreamt about this moment! It was some kind of a miracle to Dazai, that you loved him. He's gone through so many troubles alone, he even stopped disqualifying himself as a normal human being...and then you came in his life. You gave him happiness and love, he never had. Dazai wished that one day, he will find the right words to describe how grateful he was to you.

After a couple of minutes he pulled you into his lap. He was still kissing you gently and he wasn't going to ask for entrance and etc. There were two reasons why he didn't do this: first, you were in the office and he was afraid, that Ranpo could come back because he forgot his sweets on his desk and second, he knew, that if he did this, it would be hard for both of you to hold back. He pulled you into his lap because he wanted to hug you, feel the heat from your body and in the end, he wanted you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck. You liked the feeling of his arm on your waist and his fingers gently stroking your hip

After a couple of more minutes, you parted. You pressed your forehead to his and you started playing with his hair. You both closed your eyes because you were still lost in the feelings from the kiss.

"(Y/N)" He said breaking the peaceful silence

"Yeah?" You replied

"Are you really mine?" He asked

"Dazai, I'm all yours and nobody's else." You smiled softly "Don't you ever dare doubt that."

"You are the one who saved me and you are mine. I just can't believe in it! Seems like I will have to get used to this." He said and also smiled


When you told Chuuya, that you were now with Dazai, he didn't get angry or mad at all. He was disappointed, of course, but he didn't show it. He kept his feeling inside and honestly congratulated Dazai and you with a start of your relationship. That night, he got drunk, but it never happened again (well, not because of you). He didn't meet you for a couple of weeks because he needed to forget his feelings a little bit, at least and once he did this, your friendship was recommenced and you stayed best friends.

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