Dazai x Reader | for you.

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Requested by Jessica_59

Beb, I hope you'll like this and that this is what you wanted💕💕


She's so beautiful. I will never be able to describe her beauty with words. The way she dresses, her voice, her face, her figure, her manners - everything is perfect for me. When she first told me, that she was lonely and had no friends at school, I didn't believe my ears! I couldn't understand how could such person be lonely and not wanted! People are so stupid! How could they not like her? I don't get it. She's so amazing and I don't understand how is it possible not to fall for her.

Maybe I'll forget and maybe I won't
I'm stuck in the moment
And so far from home

I met her, when she started working in the Agency. I remember how I saw her for the first time: I got stunned, my eyes widened and my mouth opened. I stopped in all my doings and just stared at her while she was talking with Kunikida and president Fukuzawa. Atsushi even asked me if I was alright. Little did he know how I felt. It's impossible to describe. Like a bomb full of bright colors and emotions exploded inside of me. This is how much influence she has on me. She was the most beautiful and gentle girl I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot of girls). It was so strange for a suicidal maniac like me to feel like this. I've never believed in all this lovey-dovey stuff like love at first sight until I saw her. Somehow, I just felt inside of my heart, that she's....the right person.

Cause loving nobody
It's breaking my heart
But you'll never know this
Wherever you are

She was the only woman, I didn't ask for a double suicide and I never asked for it at all after I met her. I didn't want her to die or to even get harmed. She's worth happiness, love, fame, adoration, loyalty, but not suicide. For the first time in my life, I wanted to live. She was like a spring, which came into my life and breathed life inside of my dead body. I remember her flushed cheeks, when I took her hand and introduced myself. When I kissed it, her cheeks got even redder, than before, but she didn't pull her hand back. Otherwise, I felt, that she enjoyed my touch. When my lips touched her skin, I felt like I had just touched the softest thing on Earth. I wish, I never had to let her hand go, but I knew, that it was impossible.

Well maybe I don't give up easily
But I know this is hard to see

Even her name sounded like the most beautiful name out of all. (Y/N) (L/N). A perfect name for a perfect girl. I was so happy, that she let me call her just "(Y/N)-chan" right from the start. I loved saying her name. I don't know why, it just sounded so good.

We started geeking along well from the very beginning. I didn't want to seem too clingy and flirtatious so I tried to become her friend at first, but I let myself to show her how I felt about her once in a while. I don't know what was going on in her head. I just hoped, that she felt the way I did. She seemed to like me and I was happy just by having rights for standing by her side.

But I wish time would slow down
So I could keep your heart around

I smile every time she enters the Agency. Her messy her, her cute skirt, her voice greeting everyone - I don't know how I could spend mornings in the ADA without her before. She's always so positive. Just like a sun ray. My favorite part of the morning is when she greets me. She smiles widely and sincerely and greets me happily. I can't help, but smile in return. Our desks are next to each other so we always have to time to talk during work.

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