Please, Listen To Me

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As you know I've recently finished some chapters, the theme of which was 'mental illness'. The thing is, that recently, I've read a post on Tumblr, that there are too many writers, who romanticize mental illness and who think, that it's 'poetic' or 'cool' and etc. I just hope, that you understand, that I didn't write this all just because I think it's 'cool'.

Why I wrote it? The reason is simple: I just wanted to show, that people with mental illness can still be loved. Truly loved. I don't know if I romanticized it or not because of course, I can't know what is it like to have schizophrenia for example, but I tried not to do this as much as I could. Just remember, that if you do have one of those disorders I've written about, remember, that you can still be love with all heart no matter what.

In all of my stories, I always write about true love and I love writing from character's point of you. I just want people to read my stories and forget for one second about the real life and feel that love, which I'm trying to describe. I want people to feel loved. I can't give all my love to you personally, but I can give love with my stories and this is what I want to do in my life.

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